
When “it’s different” is the only redeeming quality of something, I can still hate it pretty easily. If you do the same thing with the blacked-out Silverado HD, ignore the people who drive them like a sedan and never for their abilities, the Silverado is and ugly, but useful vehicle. If you actually need to regularly

Like the GPS systems and weather reports people are using every day. 

Knowing Jeep’s typical quality and reliability, I would have a tough time choosing that Wagoneer over a Rivian. I’m nowhere near the market for either, but as someone who may buy a 3 row EV in about 10 years I like to keep my eye on them

This is one of those instances where the government is truly the best option and it is fun to advertise how successful it has been. It would be a nightmare for any company to take on an international ecological issue and not have it screw over the masses.

More like - tech CEOs: let’s lie about it so we can sell it to everyone

This is pretty weak after selling a flame thrower and a hammer that can’t be used as a hammer. I expect better than some Costco style repackaging of someone else’s product. Let me know when they release the $900 knife that opens inward towards the palm, like a real Tesla product would. 

The most shocking part of this to me was that they weren’t already doing it. Tracking/selling/using consumer spending is literally the reason any other retail membership exists. 

Looks like a lot of those are based on the split. Going 130 in an 85 isn’t as drastic as doing it in a 65. I’m assuming there are either a lot more 150+ tickets out there or people who did 150+ and got ticketed much lower. I don’t expect in depth research from this crop of writers. 

Anyone can grab a bag from the carousel. If the suitcase looks very non-descript and the guy is just standing there in plain clothes, no one will know he stole it unless the owner spotted him in the process.

Not only can you not have the avatar stamp a job, a licensed engineer can’t even stamp one that was created by an AI. The PE has to supervise the entire process of the project they are sealing. Even if a drawing looks good at face value, it does me zero good having it pop out of a black box. We’d still need to put in

It’s quite fitting that Jalopnik remains the final, broken-down piece of these sites. The jalopy rusting away in front of the condemned house in a decaying neighborhood

Berkshire’s portfolio is already publicly available (I believe most, if not all). If Warren Buffet decides to start tweeting out some of those holdings, would you call it stock manipulation? Probably not, but that’s because Buffet is known for holding things for a long time while roaring kitty appears to be an idiot

Based on sales numbers, it appears to be the Rav4 (or anything similar size to it), which really makes sense. The mid-sized cross over has plenty of room for 5 passengers, good storage space from the wagon size trunk, handling is good enough for the masses. While not many people really love them, not many truly hate

I think we need to give you the old David Tracy-no Jeep rule for cars, but Dodge. No Dodge recommendations for a month for you

Aren’t these crypto bros just some form of libertarian who end up voting GOP anyways?

It feels like a weird, quiet manipulation, but it only works because people are being willfully stupid. He knows by posting this, that people will react and he can make money, but is he tricking anyone into buying it under the pretense that he will hold or sell until a special date? 

Is it manipulation for someone to just tell everyone they have a bunch of a certain stock without promoting a false reason for it? 

If someone is running an online shop, that sounds plausible. Chasing a dumb market with nice margins. These 2 are following around Trump rallies in a psycho RV. At best, they are the equivalent of a con artist that got too deep into the personality. Hard to believe they would commit that much in order to sell

Or food poisoning. I worked a retail job with some friends in high school and we all got crushed by a local restaurant and the store had to run on 4 people by themselves the entire next day (typically ~8-10 work each day) because none of us could function.

Eh, these are 1920's Irish immigrants. While throwing rocks at stoplights because of the colors is silly, auto traffic and what people knew of it was very different in 1925 and the Irish\British have just a little bit of bad history between the two, which some of families may have personally experienced.