
I kind of have that conundrum too. Enterprise & National are linked, since they are owned together, and my company code works at both. National is the better airport experience, being able to just walk up and leave most, but Enterprise points add up continuously forever and I use them for all my sub-3 hour work drives,

Based on my expectations for Hertz, I assume any customer service rep who agrees to a refund gets fired. Maybe not immediately on the spot, but that Hertz finds a way to get rid of them as soon as possible, so everyone on staff knows what will happen if they provide actual customer service

Don’t they still come with 10 year/100k mile warranties too?

That doesn’t negate the ignorance of thinking that POTUS has some immediate, direct control over the mundane aspects of our daily lives.

It would take the average person more than an hour to run the length of the piece of thread Rolls-Royce stitch into the Cullinan Series II.

I’d add that they should do less per movie, too. Every film doesn’t need to be a big team up or universe destroying big bad. The most loved kept things pretty simple - Winter Soldier culminated in crashing a few planes, the story was carried by friends fighting & spy stuff. Black Panther was a feud over who gets to be

Is there any major line of business that isn’t rigged by the top 3-5 companies operating in the space? Capitalism, from the ownership perspective, is perfected once a monopoly is achieved. Everyone in the ownership eventually drifts (or gets consumed) towards a monopoly, through any rigged means possible. 

I can’t believe we never made that connection. We even had a mini charcoal grill out there with us and would occasionally break the silence by saying “yup”. Maybe KOTH just conditioned us without us realizing it. 

That’s every corporation. I know a handful of engineers that literally had the plan I outlined and have interviewed some on the exit part. Work like hell for a few years, pay off the students and pad the savings, then get out. The base pay there isn’t especially huge for the market, but their employees are actually pre

“We need some level of closure or a sign that we can stop worrying about losing our jobs.”

3) Are young, inexperienced, and/or just need a job. Work a million hours, get all the money and experience possible, then move on.

In college I lived right by the main exit that fed to my university. Spent many nights sitting on the porch with some beers waiting to see who got in an accident, ticketed, and/or arrested. The neighborhood off campus is pretty shady, so there was ample free entertainment. Got to watch the university president get a

Even as a guy, I’d prefer the bear (as long as no cubs are present). Most bears don’t care for humans as food, so the odds are in your favor that they either ignore you, run away, or simply want you gone. Polar bears are the considered the exception, though, and will actively hunt & eat people.

This is one of those things that I would argue is a more important metric to judge a president by than the cost of a Happy Meal. Sadly, the cost of cheeseburgers probably drives poll numbers by several percentage points more. 

I don’t know what it is, but there is something very unsettling about this. 

This is the correct answer. 

Isn’t the original character of Robinhood supposed to be Spiderman witty? I feel like that’s how older people talk of him, but everyone under 35 just thinks the character is a boring action film archer, unless they read the books.

Makes me think of the C7 too much. The wheels also make me think of Honda. I really like the C7, but find it disappointing coming from Ferrari.

I hate when clients are set on cheapest bid. The cheapest bids do a good job at ending up the most expensive by the end

Username checks out.