
It is the whole district, high school included. I expect there will be quite the fight over it, with the 90k students.

I’d bet at least a handful of those 70 ended up sick just by being around that many people vomiting. I imagine once the first few sick, all of the air will be layered in that smell, only increasing with each sick passenger. 

My oldest will be in middle school (6th-8th here) in a year, so it has been a serious discussion in the house. The school district actually just announced a district wide ban on cell phones for kids, so I get a 1-year buffer on that to see what happens locally.

Replacing functional bridges always take a really long time, particularly as people argue about how functional the foundations are, since that is a massive cost saving. Also, getting a DOT to commit multi-year money to a functional structure over all the dysfunctional stuff becomes a very political fight. DOT budgets

Those front-end hurdles tend to get a lot shorter when responding to a disaster, like this. I think I read in previous articles that there have actually been talks about replacing the bridge before, so there actually may be a decent amount of front design considerations already started. Either way, when DOTs announce

but can I still return it, no questions asked?

That’s one of the many bad side effects to the oligopoly media has become. The people who own all the biggest media outlets with the means to investigate a multi-state incident are in the same sphere as Boeing executives. Why rock the boat on that when they can instead talk about campus protestors? 

I think all of the wild GOP conspiracies that have made it to the mainstream have left others a lot less willing to engage other conspiracy theories. However, 2 dead whistleblowers this close apart is crazy suspicious. Seeing as they were in different states, I assume the FBI would be the ones having to investigate

Other than my kids being mad at me about it, why not? 

Also true, like when they tried to make it so each county got 1 drop box for mail in ballots the last election to screw the big cities, the handful of precincts around me who ran out of paper for ballots a few times, and then how they removed drive up voting that a lot of people liked. However, in my experience as a

I just hope they stick around long enough for when I finally get my kids their first phones. When they start going to/from school by themselves or have extra curriculars we’re not there for, I’ll want them to have phones, but have no interest in giving them a pocket computer any time soon. 

Correct, but gerrymandering has virtually no effect on large, statewide elections, such as Governor, President, or federal Senate seats, where the name is on every single ballot, regardless of district.

Nah, there really are that many of that kind of people in Texas. I live here. They gerrymander the shit out of local elections, so it’s certainly true for non-statewide elections that there is a much higher Dem population compared to who gets elected. However, big statewide elections like Senate/Governor shows that it

Sounds like something that could spearhead more right to repair laws for us all. 

1000 hours of waterway cleanup for community service.

Based on the porn that ended up on his Twitter, I think he just likes sex stuff. Only normal thing about the guy. 

Per another commenter, $250k between Delta & AA to him. 

For a business, downtime to get a repair could easily be more valuable than the repair itself. Tesla is known for being quite slow with their repairs/parts, so a $200 repair could cost $1000 in down time. Tesla just handily beat almost everyone is lowest cost of ownership by Consumer Reports.

If you’re thinking of buying one, it could be a great experience to rent it for a few days just to use at home.

Something going through my windshield, especially at highway speeds. Always start to get a nervous when I’m behind someone on the highway with a poorly attached load of random junk in the bed/trailer.