
A bigger variety of BEVs in general. Our DDs are basically new ICE that we’ll be set with for a while, but I figured my next car purchase will be a BEV. I still have 6+ years until the kids start getting licensed, so I’d like to see the proliferation continue so I can get them a used one when that comes and then

I’m enjoying this new recurring theme. 

In all honesty, being the face of multiple huge investments (PayPal, SpaceX, & Tesla) and getting both the government and just about any major investor to flood you with mountains of money are skills that he appears to be really good at. Not many people hit more than one of those levels of monetary returns, let alone

but Florida

They’ve evolved to Florida Car...

Trump’s twitter was one of those things that I hated and wanted to stop, but I also don’t want the regular actions of POTUS just being ignored, especially when they are so deranged. I’m back to the same feeling where I don’t want that news cycle to return, but I also don’t want to be completely uninformed about one of

but that can be bumped to “470+ miles” with a “range extender”

Infiniti is where you go for this. They do a good job at compromising on each of those and their lack of demand keeps the price down. 

Fancy faux bricks? I’ve had to deal with historical streets that use actual bricks (and having to special order new bricks that match those old one), but don’t think I’ve dealt with faux brick roads. Something like this?

That is actually one of the benefits to doing tunnels. Get them deep enough, and you could just shoot straight lines across miles of urban settings. Downtown Houston has walking tunnels that interconnect a bunch of the buildings, so the streets routinely look devoid of people during busy lunch hours. Regardless, that

I’m pretty sure that at this point, the only things he’s proven to be good at are risky investments, obtaining investment cash, and shit posting online. 

would build one mile of tunnel per week

I can only access the comment section of about half the articles I go to, just through the poor functionality of all these sites.

I think they already flipped on that

Dang, a bomb neighborhood got blown up? This must be one of those cities that got burned to ground I keep hearing about. Or was it an epic 90's themed community that’s been lost?

That’s why I said modern transmissions. I know a ton of cars made the move from 4 to 5/6 for a while. Now the 6 speed seems to have died out in favor of the 8, 10, or CVT as the majority. There could also just be a bunch of 7 or 9 speeds I don’t know about it’s not really a thing at all. 

I read mostly terrible things about the 9-speed used in the Traverse & Renegade. I’m sure they could have improved them, but those were the big negatives when I was researching both of those cars. They’re the only 2 I know off hand that use a 9 speed though. 

Is there a reason why even numbers are so common on modern transmissions? I know GM has a 9 speed for their big CUVs, but 6-8-10 seems to the norm. 

Want a used Tacoma at a good price? Fuck you, too bad.

My primary Uber use has just been to/from a hotel or airport, so that tends to be pretty simple. For a few events I’ve gotten a ride to, I’ve run into the problem where I accidently set my “drop off” location somewhere that cars aren’t allowed. I always tell them to just pull over where we are and I’ll walk the rest