
Where the hell did this come from? I never said anything about including speed limiters. I have another comment in this same article that says I’d rather see EU level consequences than messing with cars.

Blade is struggling enough to get film one, I’m not sure they’re even thinking about Blade 2 yet. 

Are there a lot of them out there that are simple to operate & adapt to multiple handhelds as the Analogue handhelds are? I didn’t even know this market existed until this article. 

I’ve only met 2 people I would genuinely call preppers (saving physical gold, having multiple years worth of non-perishable food on hand, stuff like that). Both of them openly stated climate change is a hoax, as part of their ramblings. I know this is a small sample size, but I can’t help but think the other

Cyberquad Model 915 now supersedes Model 914

The Buffalo Wild Wings I worked at had a few parolees working there and they were great employees, in large part because they recognized having a basic, fulltime job put them miles ahead of other ex-cons. Crazy to think that being allowed to work at a chain kitchen is considered an advantage to your peers.

The repeat offender issue becomes a much broader social discussion. Our society has numerous roadblocks for anyone after they’ve committed a crime. When nearly everyone who goes to jail ends up back in jail, it’s very clear the current system is complete garbage. It’s stupid to expect someone to suddenly become an

Having lived in both of those areas, I recommend the writer rent a sporty car and see how they deal with Midwestern potholes before committing to a sporty car. As much as I enjoyed my Veloster while living in Chicago, I had to be ready to replace some tires. A Crosstrek is probably the real best answer, but the roads

That’s always been terrible logic in a lot of American legal arguments. It’s hardly different than saying criminals will commit crimes anyways, so why bother having any laws at all? Some people who lose their license will certainly keep driving, but if a large percentage of repeat offenders do stop driving, it is

I wonder if that is something unique to the American legal system, or if other equally wealthy nations have such horrible logic. So many drivers who are able to ruin the lives of multiple people (or come very close to it via DUI/road rage/etc), but we can’t take away their license because it would hurt their life too

I’d prefer we adopt EU level consequences for bad driving than we start messing with the cars more. 

Another of these hideous designs that will sell like crazy. 

Speaking of which, looks like GM is still trying to use warranties to control flipping as of today. 

Other than being thirsty and having an interior not quite as nice as other luxury models, I’ve never heard bad things about the QX80/Armada twins from any owners. By all account, those V8s are supposed to be very reliable and the rentals I’ve had of those are pretty comfy cruisers. I understand why a lot of people

Dealer mark-up and flipper issues, to be specific. So, the thing Tesla was originally concerned about (people sucking up early allocations just so they can sell them at much higher prices). GM wanted to void the warranty on those types of sales to try and limit dealer mark ups/flips, not sure if that ever went into

The biggest sitcoms of recent decades have been a mix between a light comedy & light drama, IMO. At least the handful I’ve watched, seem to try and mostly wander through with a few meme level jokes and then the occasional emotional moment to keep things grounded.

This is one of the few comic characters that I have almost no existing knowledge of, so I think I’m going to keep it that way and just see how things play out. Hopefully there aren’t a ton more jump cuts beyond what we saw, because I could see that getting a bit annoying over 2 hours, but the concept looks interesting

Those no resale clauses are also much more successful for brands like Ferrari because they sell in low enough volume to actually black list someone from future sales for quite a while. Even low volume mass market vehicles (like Tesla wants this to be) are extremely difficult to control the aftermarket, as evidence by

Because that is a less entertaining show. Why let a mostly generic sitcom get bogged down by reality & everything from BBT? Likely best that they just used the general ideas and then let the writers adjust as needed

While building a sitcom universe, I think they are best off modifying some characters. It’s pretty easy for a good project to suffer when writers getting fenced in by cannon. Also, Sheldon is known to be terrible at social queues, so you can chalk it up to Sheldon remembering his father differently than he really was