
That just sounds like an argument for creating a sea of underpaid workers. People say the same thing about fast food & retail jobs. If a job isn’t able to pay people, there should be labor laws to fix whatever loopholes they are using that let them legally trick everyone into working for nothing.

Got to watch a bunch of 5 years olds try to do remote school from their parent’s cell phones a few years back while my toddler was getting babysat by PBS, so that tracks. 

Most that I’ve seen are along the gulf coast and Appalachia, so maybe the millennial tourists in those parts are bigger fans. I’m a millennial myself and the drivers usually look close in age to me, maybe GenX, occasionally with a young child in there too. 

I wonder what the percentages are on drivers who continuously stick to these gig deliveries and how much of it is just people who do it for a month or so before realizing they basically make no money once they have to repair/replace anything on the car. I did one after the last time I moved, and it was a very helpful

We all have our tastes. I still think underglow can be cool. At least you didn’t state you want to throw your username into a Slingshot. 

Whatever a Saudi Prince is driving. 

Could be that I’ve only seen rentals and assumed almost no one actually wanted to own them. I also don’t spend much time in heavy retirement areas these days. 

The 3-wheeler one caught me off guard. Every time I see someone in one those, the driver looks to be solidly millennial

I get full page, freezing ads on basically all of these sites. Every blog is basically advertising space that they occasionally put words between. 

I would amend that to say without arrest/charges. Even if there is an arrest & charges filed, a conviction could be very far in the future. 

Based on how Love & Thunder turned out, I’m happy they didn’t include Bill there. They likely would have ruined him the same way they did pretty much all the gods and god butcher, so he never would have even had a chance.  

We need to bring back duals. 

It’s always interesting to hear about the ways people used things that aren’t supposed to touch your skin. I bet in every case, there are a few CEOs & politicians 100% aware of the risk without a care in the world because of all the money they will make on it.

My almost 10 year doesn’t, but they 100% would if I had to send them somewhere like this. It’s a general talking point amongst a lot of parents with pre-high school kids about when a cell phone should come into play.

I disagree with skeffles request, but just because something is legal doesn’t mean a motivated DA won’t find a way to charge them with something. There were ~600 women in prison for having a miscarriage before RvW got overturned because the DA found a way to make the woman guilty of causing their miscarriage, despite

I’ve known some people with divorced parents in different states who did it. Flew from one parent to the other unaccompanied starting around jr high, so ~12/13.

A fantastic Bollywood action movie on Netflix. One of the few action movies that does both cool action stuff, but also has an actually interesting story for the characters instead of the typical McGuffin/revenge narratives.

Your comment just made me think of the big battle scene in RRR, but in the suburbs. I hope American movies start copying it.

Could have been a test bed to see how audiences actually react so the execs know how to push it on future movies. 

I think that’s where it is important that household names like RDJ, or similar, just stay out of the headlines about this as best they can. Let lesser known people do a lot of the PR so they can better maintain a working class imagine and avoid getting caught up some liberal elites culture war because a few far right