Who is writing the program? Humans. Sounds like they’ve eliminated nothing and made it so a single human mistake can impact the entire system as opposed to a single car.
Who is writing the program? Humans. Sounds like they’ve eliminated nothing and made it so a single human mistake can impact the entire system as opposed to a single car.
Interest rates almost always climb as the length does, so it would look more like
The word cartel is the modern version of the word marijuana from when a cartel of American businesses decided to crush the hemp industry. It’s pretty firmly entrenched in probably 40%+ of Americans that cartel = scary Mexicans (that includes the ignorance that drug cartels exist everywhere but the Fox viewer still…
Commision based income is good because it could reward people who put in the time/effort to be good at their jobs. It is also bad because it invites a lot of ethical issues since the income relies on closing the deal, ranging from morally gray to flat out illegal. If a business owner exclusively cares about short term…
When the average market sale price is almost $50k, a $60k BEV SUV is relatively okay. I think it’s the case where the car is NP but the market is CP.
If you have 3 kids and want a BEV, this is by far the cheapest big car option. It’s certainly possible to use a 5 seater for the family of 5. I did it with 3 kids in car seats, but we also had a 7 seater at the time to make up for the drawbacks of a small car. The only direct competition to the EV9 starts at $80k.
People are beginning to discover that supply chains and economies of scale as big as the automarket are extremely complicated. Or they’ll just parrot small talking points that fit a pre-existing belief. Can’t imagine which of those options will be more popular.
I think most college students know it is stupid, but they’re all in a race to get the 10 years of experience required for entry level jobs. This is one of those incidents where the benefits of generational wealth can shine. To most people, it sounds crazy to be willing to work for free, but it is very easy to jump…
Arguably a step up compared the ever-common celebrity marriage/divorce that gets publicized.
In the pre-internet days, these slasher movies were definitely a reliable way to get nudity on a screen.
The sq ft minimums in some places almost makes the ritzier places easier to move to. The more typical office space locations cost just as much or more when they require 3 times the space we actually need. Better off paying for a place with a nice cafe, gym, & transit access than just paying for space no one wants to…
When the bosses can (and did) call in the police or national guard to arrest & kill you for being inconvenient, the level of things people get away with is absolutely staggering. Odds are you don’t have a foreman that could beat your coworker to death and then watch the local cops drag the body away without a care, so…
Many companies around me and most of my clients have gone back in office at least part time, but my execs are set on keeping us remote. All of our company surveys have said ~80% want full remote almost everywhere, so we’ve been downsizing offices as leases run out and shifting those rent budgets to event budgets. So…
Fancy buzz words aside, it is an opportunity for kids to deal with strangers in public, face some rejections, and get some awards for people giving them money under pretty safe and simple circumstances for 8-year-olds to understand. It nice not having it be part of the office anymore since we’re pretty much all…
Kirkland brand is acceptable too, not the best but also not bad. I was able to switch my office to it years ago because the cost is generally the same as Folgers, but Folgers is awful.
Nothing like a good pizza cake. It just doesn’t taste the same anywhere else. Even a topflight food city like Houston.
It sounds like it will largely come down to the quality of that cheese slice. American cheese is arguably the worst of common cheeses, so that puts it in a bad spot to start. Sounds like a hotel just found a way to do cheap pizza and it got popular. I’ve had pizza coated in melted cheese and it was excellent, but an…
There’s a lot of times where I miss Chicago pizza. However, one of the best things about pizza and my primary reasoning when I purchase it is that I don’t have to cook anything.
It’s a fair assumption that if someone is famous for existing on a reality show, they are probably not a good person and should not continue being famous. I’d be surprised if adultery was the worst thing they’ve done, but also have no interest in knowing more about them than I currently do.
Based on the bits and pieces I come across, I think I’d choose the lickfoot over comprehending who that guy is, why he’s famous, and why his actions have warranted so many scandal headlines.