
The most common form I can think of are when rock bands make acoustic versions or live versions. They are usually a best-of style instead a straight remix though, so it’s still odd. Genuine remix collections are very common in rap, but typically involve other artists to do the remix, so maybe they’re giving that a try?

A summer cruise through NE is on my bucket list. I’ve done them in the upper Midwest & PNW, which are also terrific summer locations, but I know that I need to cruise the Syracuse to New Brunswick area some time.

That’s been fun with the people who moved to Texas, especially those from California. Not all warm weather is the same warm weather. 

The header picture is the answer. It’s an awesome car and I’m not sure there is a car more American than the Viper. Our love of guns, oil, and obesity without healthcare are big spotlights for how much America just wants to have fun with no concern for how quickly it could kill us. The Viper is the car embodiment of jo

Is there any 60s car that would go for less than this if you’re able to drive it home? It may not be the most in demand, but if someone just really wants a classic, having something you can turn on a drive home for $6500 seems like a NP for just about anything from the era.

Part of my get up and leave my desk routine is to just stand outside in the Texas humidity and soak it in. I spent multiple winters doing pre-construction site visits in Midwest winters to prep the summer construction season. I’ll take months of 100° days over any time having to go outside while it’s subzero with 30

My kids BSA goes hard on the popcorn sales because they don’t allow us to fundraise through other methods for the Pack. I assume Girl Scouts are similar, just so the organization can be sure it get their cut. I’ve skipped every year because the pittance collected versus time it takes isn’t worth our time to me. We

North Carolina and Tennessee come to mind.

Having also lived on the west coast, may want to invest in a nice respirator mask too. Comes in handy when “smoke” is a regular forecast.

Then at the end of the season, the NFL is stuck dealing with Swifties going nuts because the refs missed a PI call on Kelce in the AFC Championship and the Superbowl ratings tank.

I prefer my current plan of living places where it doesn’t snow. I’ve been a big fan since that happened. 

This is the answer I was looking for. The M badge is the same as any other performance badge after long enough, they stand for Money. Performance badges started as a way to differentiate, possibly requiring that they actually be special. BMW (et all) realized that most of their buyers don’t even know which wheels make

Now they can have the drama of the main character trying to do good things, but continuously being forced to justify their actions and figure what to do as various characters discover her secret. It sounds a bit like You, except they will try a lot harder to make the woman seem like a justified vigilante.

That first point is almost exactly what I was thinking as I scrolled through. Quantumania and GotG were both acceptable to me, which was certainly an improvement after Multiverse of Madness, Love & Thunder, and most of the D+ shows. With how annoying things were getting and generally blowback I see online, it almost

I imagine that normalcy can be especially nice if you are able to bank a large sum from the fame. Then work/life can be more of a hobby after what is often the wild ride of fame.

There is a massive cliff between Apple promising the next iteration of a device they have routinely updated for 15 years and Elon promising literally anything. The truck may one day exist, but I expect Tesla to have about 10 other actual advancements before it does. 

The gigafactory has been building other models and most of the expansions on site have been for battery manufacturing. I remain doubtful about the truck, but the expansion for the chemical/battery processing would probably be much better for the company than that truck. 

Whenever we get big rains during winter in the south and then the temps drop a bunch overnight. Rains all day and then turns the road into a sheet of ice at night. The next morning, the roadways (especially Dallas it seems) become a Mad Max (ice) Fury Road. There are always major pile ups, so you never know when someon

Showers were my biggest need until I moved to Texas. Then I simply had to decide that my life is worth more than the few grand I would save by not driving.

Toyotas are one of my disliked rental brand because of how much I hate their UI. It almost always seems to glitch out or freeze up more than any other brand. Depending on the car, I’ve needed to download and create a Toyota account to even get the phone to connect for all the android auto features. Despite having this