
Machine Gun Kelly is a rapper turned punk singer. He started as a bit of rockstar type rapper and tried to emulate the rockstars of the 80s for his on stage performances, but he’s more of an eccentric artist type nowadays it seems. He’s had a few minor roles in other movies and seemed to play those parts well enough.

I would be genuinely shocked if more than 25% of ‘the masses’ know what TCO is, how to calculate it, and actually go through the effort to do so. If people were rational car buyers on a national scale, 3-row SUVs & trucks probably would not have replaced mini vans and sedans at the scale they have

It isn’t always practical to use public transit.

Side note - Did I miss an announcement that Bradley is writing here again or is this just a big freelance? I know the likely answer, but are the owners really so cheap/incompetent that he needs to use a whole new account to post again and it can’t just be a continuation of the old account? Or is this a new variant?

She probably wouldn’t need to deal with the hassle of courts & lawyers for killing someone, though. Even the American sociopath has to make some work/life decisions.

I used to keep stuff to make breakfast at the office and during certain workout routines, I tend to eat a lot, so throwing together a smoothie at the office was an easy way to get the calories. Either way, there was a sink to clean out the bottle so it could function as my water bottle the rest of the day. At the

She can probably still be a CO at a jail.  

In regard to that first statement, I assume that every form of review via YouTube/social media is paid advertising, at best. At worst, it’s something that the reviewer has an ownership stake in. They can still be good & useful, much like any other form of commercial advertising, but there’s basically nothing to stop

Contractor: Uses undersized rebar.

The typical buyer isn’t putting several thousand down, they’re maybe putting a few thousand down on that $25k car and still getting 60-month loans. Even a full 20% down at 3% interest across 60 months, that $25k car is $390/month. If insurance on the thing is $300/mo because of the high chance to total it, that’s a

I didn’t even start on how various executives/board members are frequently on multiple boards, which is who sets the CEO compensation package. Therefore, it is in their best interest to keep the making the packages as large as possible, so when theirs comes around it is just “market value” while everyone ignores that

Wealthy people don’t want big incomes because then they might actually have to pay taxes and contribute to the country’s infrastructure that makes their business possible, like all their workers have to. They can still obtain extremely low interest loans using those stocks as capital and then spend that cash as though

It does feel like I just watched review that explains the whole movie. They should have left the brother and black trident out. Let the rumors discuss his role and how manta gets so powerful so we can actually have a story to follow

Pretty much. It can both be true this carve out is BS, but game consoles are pretty well defined by the carve out. I’ll be more concerned by Apple (et all) using some argument that 65% of their users are playing games and therefore they are gaming devices or some crap like that.

as long as the insurance isn’t doubling the cost...

Castings that are custom, require a high degree of precision, and the size of a car are going to require a lot of labor and high level of expertise to do anything with them. Just like any other low volume, high expertise product is. 

Based on my recent highway driving, I don’t think that the Altima can even be killed by its owners.

How impactful is the industrial operation of producing leather? Also, can’t leather come from more than just cow skin? I thought it had more to do with the chemicals/energy used in the industrial process to make leather than anyone caring about vegans, since vegans are such a small part of the buying public.

You could probably mix some absinthe and a modern energy drink like Prime or C4 to get a similar poisoning effect. I was told that I fell across a group of people on a couch and passed out on them after typical slurred drunken behavior, sleeping there for ~15 minutes. They were annoyed, but they’re also the ones who

Obligatory reminder that a chip kills one kid and gets an immediate stop sale, while my kids think an active shooter drill is as normal as a fire drill.