
Based on when they first started making the S & X, maybe he meant sub 10mm

My MIL went with an Outback over the Forester because it was a lot lower. The Forester felt pretty similar to trying to climb into any of the current 3ROW SUVs out there while the Outback seats are pretty well below them. 

I think the price is the biggest thing. A RTT has it’s benefits, but I’ll just get myself a lakeside cabin rental before I go dropping $8k on the set up. 

I expect it will continue getting harder because it has become the business model for basically every major company (much like your Apple reference). It’s quite annoying the number of hoops I’ve had to jump through in order to do basic repairs on stuff like a smart watch, vacuum, or our spin bike.

If they think finding a rental for a few weeks is difficult, just wait until they have to start getting repairs on a car that sits for 90% of the year...

People do that, but it’s not consistent and rarely enough to support multiple households. Especially the honor system type stands. A ton of American farmland is commercially owned/operated, so it’s not like the countryside is littered with local farmers working with the local populace. There are 100s of towns with a

A real Peloton champion doesn’t sit while riding. The broken seat should just be seen as motivation to stay up. 

Is the Hot Wheels paint job complete?

This is one of the few times where it would have been appropriate to just have a slideshow of Jalopnik’s favorite cars that sold and a little piece each of the writers here wanted to include about them.

Unfortunately for anyone who attended a school that went under like that, they often can’t get a job that requires an accredited degree. There are a lot of jobs out there that needlessly ask for some type of degree and it makes no difference, but particularly in fields like education, law, engineering, & healthcare,

All of these just look like they’d be fun little rentals. Something I might grab for an afternoon to tote each kid around a scenic area and then be done with it. If I only had one kid, it would probably make them feel like a rock star at school drop-off, but that also speaks to the demographic that I know is most

It’s still much easier to meet someone in person if you already know a bunch about them. Having an established connection can also allow a bit more forgiveness if you stumble through that first meeting, since that no longer encompasses the first impression. 

Who would have thought that a company run by publicly open bigots employs local bigots.

Internet chatting also gives the huge advantages of delayed reaction & no body language to read. When talking online, it is perfectly normal for a response to take anywhere from 1 to several minutes. In person, if someone asks you something, you don’t have the luxury of spending 60 seconds talking to yourself and

My household has ordered 2 Subarus and they got from the Indiana factory to Texas our dealer within ~5 business days

Harry Styles was the other that came to mind. I don’t know if he’s in the daily news enough in America to be at the same level of fame here, but people seem to go just as nuts for him in the UK.

I think every study about children’s development needs to highlight wealth discrepancy in the responses. Low income impacts are too universal and broadly impacting to ignore them on a macro study. Generally need to differentiate the responses by income bracket in order to get a more direct impact. 

So the reaction should have been to swerve and also (likely) lose control? A dive bomb towards the shoulder could have literally point them right at either of those 2 cars already sitting there. Had the white SUV fled, they could have been held liable for it all too (not like they knew someone was filming everything).

Props to that black sedan for not losing control while the SUV goes crazy around it. 

Transplants often forget that their region full of bad weather also includes a bunch of infrastructure that was specifically designed for it. Despite spending most of my life in the Midwest, I hate going out in Texas when we get the rare snow dusting because nothing here is meant to deal with that and no one knows how