
Not this president. In a sport where a huge percentage of the players are latinos there is no justification whatsoever for having a president that openly calls for shutting down their immigration (legal and illegal), and illegally separates children from their parents and puts them in concentration camps.

They are a ldying breed.

I hope he takes a foul ball to the temple, Simon Birch style.

The biggest tragedy in all of this is that they probably won’t be able to find another white heterosexual ivy league finance bro to take Taubman’s place.

“The rest are all the same, they’re racist. I find it hard to believe that a majority of the doctors are racist.”

There is no way Donald Trump attends Game 5.

I have a feeling that if Houston manages to extend the series,  Trump will suddenly have some business come up and he won't be able to go. Because you know he would not take a public booing well.

Follow my lead tonight. At 8 PM EST, crack open a beer, go to your couch, click on the TV, and relax. Just watch baseball. We can worry about all this other stuff when the games aren’t being played.

Sure, but I wouldn’t be upset at all if this happens:

President Trump announced he intends to attend Game 5 in Washington.

Nats managing to get around some of the embarrassment of a potential Trump appearance by having José Andrés throw out the first pitch of that game.

Related: I don’t mind Joe Buck, either. He is extremely okay at a job that must be harder than it appears from the comfort of my couch judging by how many other people are awful at it. But is he really the only one who can do this? We’ve got him flying from Houston for Game 2, to Minnesota for Thursday Night Football,

Sounds more capitalist than racist.

Reminder... this is the same organization that tried to ban a reporter from their locker room.

LOL too late, fuckers. The baseball gods are displeased and I hope you’re unceremoniously dispatched by the Nats ASAP. 

They. Hate. Women.

I’ve never truly understood the seeming hatred and loathing some have towards adult industry performers, especially the ones who just seek to destroy them like this:

If your job is such that you don’t want people knowing who you are, perhaps you should be questioning your life choices.

I have owned lots of stick shift cars, and I still hate driving them in traffic.

Dear good Sir,