It is fucking illegal. There are very few agencies in the world that have the right to demand your passport and the Washington Redskins sure as hell isn’t one of them.
It is fucking illegal. There are very few agencies in the world that have the right to demand your passport and the Washington Redskins sure as hell isn’t one of them.
One of my industrial design professors (who used to work extensively with the As Seen on TV market) said about half of the infomercials you see late at night aren’t even for real products, they’re test balloons to see if a product idea is worth marketing further.
...Princeton could offer free tuition for it’s entire student body without even touching it’s endowment principal. Why they don’t do that is another conversation altogether.
Only child, public school education, and a paid off house meant they had a surplus to foot the tuition bill. The list I linked wasn’t just Ivies, and every school you named was on the list, hence my confusion. It’s been my experience that T1 schools will bend over backwards to make sure cost of attendance isn’t a…
Clear tote bin >>> laundry basket. Same storage capacity, better visibility, and *stackable*
Harris Teeter for normal weekly shop, Aldi for meat deals and frozen pizza, Giant for weekend “I don’t want to pull the car out of the garage” short trips.
If he doesn’t start hawking RoFo fried chicken, he’ll get run out of town on a rail.
It’s downright decadent if you make it with brioche or challah.
He does have a couple documented learning disabilities. Personally, minor children of presidents (and frankly any children of presidents who don’t insert themselves into policy discussions, so not Ivanka, Don Jr, or Eric) should be left out of the media coverage. The minors didn’t chose it and the ones who don’t act…
Well, she’s never been (to my knowledge) subjected to the same kind of testing that Semenya has been so we don’t know if she has some abnormality that could be perceived as an “unfair advantage” (perhaps ask yourself why that is when she’s roughly as competitive as Semenya is in their respective sports). But given…
For the past 5 years it’s sucked to be cheering anyone not swimming under the name Ledeky.
I see this as the exact same category as those “commemorative coin” offers you see on late night TV.
not from packing tape they won’t. Make sure it’s sealed on all sides with no air bubbles and you’ll be fine.
I do this because I’m outside a lot for work. There’s a “tick graveyard” folder in my file drawer with ticks taped to index cards and dated. Every couple of months I’ll clear out the ones that are over a month old. Though pre-treating my work clothes with permethrin has really helped bring the count down.
If Samoas didn’t have coconut, you’d be correct. But they do, so they belong somewhere around #1000000. I otherwise have no problems with your rankings.
I have something similar to this and love the drop leaf:
Who hurt you?
It’s also a kindness to the dog. Think about (but not too hard) how much it hurts when a pet dies. Dogs are social animals so when their master/mistress dies, they’ll mourn too.
Not the vector I was expecting actually. I was thinking that you meant that plastic grinders created microplastic fibers when they ground against each other.