

First choice crust: Yeasty, thin but doughy, with charred bits on the bottom and bubbles on the top

I read somewhere that the theory is the owners are going to dangle it like a carrot at the next CBA negotiations to see how much they can get the players to give up for it.

Pretty much, yes.

Given that tools I hold range from lumber crayon to 10lb sledge hammer, it’d be like roulette.

Yep. I’ve gotten catcalled when I’m working, which means cargo pants, hard hat, steel toed boots, and puffy hi-vis jacket. Presumably these idiots driving 30mph through an active work zone see the braid coming out of my hard hat, but still WTF? I swear, the next one is getting what ever is in my hand tossed at their

If he publishes a “deep thoughts” book within the next 2 months, I’ll buy in. Otherwise, I’m betting he took Russia money.

That’s generally a fast way to get a battery charge since the pitcher is out of projectiles at that point.

Turkey legs really need to make it on to next year’s menu, along with everything possible served on a stick. Examples from my local ren faire: mac and cheese (fried), steak, cheesecake (dipped in chocolate and frozen), chicken tenders, sausage.

I think the harassment continued for so long that laws were enacted while this douchebag was still posting her pictures.

She was also a series regular in the later seasons of ER.

That sounds like a fun party game. Will have to deploy it this weekend.

Whichever one is the heirloom variety

According to a 15 second google browse, I’m pretty sure that’s the first 1-2-5 double play recorded in the stat era of baseball.

That collar needs to be loosened up a bit.

No, but I have been in Lowes for an hour just trying to get a ladder and some bungee cords.

The craftier, the better. Crispin and Woodchuck aren’t too bad, but Angry Orchard is straight up sugar water. Smith and Forge (if it’s available) is pretty good. Any of the imported British ciders (Magner’s, Sam Smith’s, even Strongbow) will be drier than the average US commercial cider.

After about hour 2 I probably would have just let them try the nails while I got popcorn and then left the masonry anchors on the work bench.

This is exactly me, down to the female protagonist. Shit gets real when everyone else in your college class was a high school valedictorian too.

Bus is less than train, but I don’t think it’s as large as a step down from a train as it is in the US. In the UK, it’s kind of like going from business class to coach, but still pretty comfortable. To me, the important thing to pay attention to along with cost is travel time. Yes, the train from London to Edinburgh