Governor McCheese

Ohhhhhhh. I don’t even know if that counts as a pun; he’s just repeating the word. But thank you for pointing out what’s going on with that comment.

As a Sixers fan (put away your tiny violin; I’m fine, really), I wish I got your joke.

What a miserable person you are. You strike me as someone who did very well at school and was a shining star throughout, but now work a dead-end job you hate and resent the world for “cheating” you.

I don’t understand how you can get so worked up about a comment regarding Kate Hudson and Cameron Crowe. I put my foot in my mouth? Really? It’s not like I accidentally said something racist or sexist at a party with people I don’t know. It’s just the internet, chattygal.

$18 million is hardly an impressive box office number. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days made over $108,000,000. So by your measure, Kate Hudson is kicking Cameron Crowe’s ass.

Re-watch Singles; it doesn’t hold up. The other movies you mentioned are all good, though.

You can’t imagine losing $125? Maybe you should read more fairy-tails or whatever it is one does to boost imagination skills.

Mindy Kaling is hot, though...

You can still drop-kick, but nobody currently playing is good enough to do it in a game. Source: I saw a SportsCenter feature about this last season.

You might want to read the Supreme Court opinions on that. Theirs is the only opinion that matters, and they disagree. It’s constitutional. (Although I wish it weren’t.)

Why was this sentence unconstitutional? I don’t like the death penalty either, but the court can still impose it.

Lawyer here. “Excess zeroes on the end of $15,000” is exactly what “in excess of $15,000” means. $15,000 is probably some threshold amount that allows the claimant to skip mandatory arbitration or some other procedural hurdle. I can’t know that that’s what happened here without knowing more about Florida federal law,

Redacted because I can’t read good.

Is "Cougs" a Swedish reference?

The look of a man who regrets nothing about his butterfly princess tiara tattoo.

Are there Little League stars older than 13? It's not like she perfected cold fusion; she did something that literally only young teens can do.

What is there to say about it other than "They shouldn't do that"?

This "explanation" is terrible.

What makes a scientist "high powered"? Or do you just mean relative to other scientists?

How the fuck does an indie album cost $53.04 on Amazon? Does a band member give you a hand-job with your purchase?