
THIS. This is what racing is about. From his reaction, to Grosjean tearing up in Australia, to Jeff Gordon losing it after winning in Martinsville, this is why I watch racing. The emotions sometimes are the realest thing in racing and it drives us all, from fan to driver. Excuse me while I cry manly tears.

I have nothing sarcastic or funny to say.

The wheel studs have a long unthreaded bit that’s smaller in dia. The lug nuts pop off the wheel and hang on the shank until the tire guy can hit them with the lug wrench.

Also, there is a non-threaded section at the tip of the lug if things haven’t changed. The wheel slides on and the nut is in place at the threaded section based on the bare pilot section. The pilot section is the primary reason the lugs don’t fall, the glue is primarily there to get them onto the lug.

Norther Bromania

What? No! Sad Mazdaspeed3 is now sad.

OK, we can be pedantic if you want, but some of those cars you mention, Mustang and Camaro specifically, are really blurring the lines these days. Handling characteristics are a heck of a lot more sports car-like, and less traditional muscle car-like than they used to be. So you might even say that’s a sign that the

I’m pretty sure that’s the last thing most idiots say in their lives.

What is the sound of Velcro closing?

Little Ditty with Jo and dying.

While my girlfriend gives me a disapproving glare.

I usually end up washing the glassware, too.

This GIF is mesmerizing. It is the smoothest, most seamless GIF I have ever seen. There is absolutely no break or jump where the GIF ends and starts over. Masterful job. Did you make this? 2 big thumbs up to you or whoever did!

Aren’t you guys being overly hard? Doesn’t she usually finish in the middle of the pack? All of the people with lower average finishes are guys, and they are all still there. The only difference is she is a famous mediocre driver where the rest of the middle pack finishers never get any attention.

It looks like this V6 Mustang.

Add making me side with Fox News to the reasons I hate Donald Trump.

That’s why I prefer Arizona over Georgia. It’s the dry hate.

Project Swiss Cheese is turning into a real muenster.

I like her. I really, really like her