To be fair everyone gets called a whore on the internet. Its like the internets way of saying hello.
To be fair everyone gets called a whore on the internet. Its like the internets way of saying hello.
What neighborhood do you live in so I can tear it up?
Just to clarify, though, there is nothing sexual about rape. It's only about dominance and abuse.
He also raped one of his wives, and makes sexually charged comments about his daughter. These people are fucking nuts.
Well, many of us who hate Trump also think Kasich is a piece of shit too. You supporting Kasich does nothing to dispel the stereotype of NASCAR fans being bigoted and backwards thinking.
So you actually want to know what 1930s Germany was like ???
Bigotty, Bigotty, Bigotty, bigots! All of them!
Huh. I would have expected him to go left.
HAHA, I have food poisoning at the moment so I haven’t smiled all day but you just made me burst out in laughter. Thank you!
I would think that Bernie stops calling as soon as the checks stop arriving.
Well, that’s fair. lol. And I say that as a Christian ;). I had some missionaries try preaching to me about my Muslim boyfriend and how he was doomed for hell.
Gyros for everyone!
<3 John Oliver, the most American immigrant ever.
Diamond Dallas Page would disagree.