This could be determined very easily with cooperation from the manufacturers. Scanned lens parts would be easily matched to a manufacturer-maintained database. It’s all 0s and 1s.
This could be determined very easily with cooperation from the manufacturers. Scanned lens parts would be easily matched to a manufacturer-maintained database. It’s all 0s and 1s.
Maybe nobody has noticed, but the endplates of the wings point downward when the bike is laid over during cornering. This would provide a small amount of front downforce during cornering.
I CAN wait to find out what it is!
Please think of Pro Cycling as what it truly is: sport-themed reality TV.
If I could, I’d build a Rally Raid CB500x. I tried dealing with a 70 degree Husaberg on the street and I’m not tough enough for that style abuse.
Stay sexist, Bro.
I applaud your efforts to divide the moto community in every way possible. Congrats, jackwad!
Just think about the level of irrational anger required to make him want to punish law-abiding riders.
I would say that the police mindset TENDS toward the belief that “others” are doing wrong and the officer has to stop them. Try to interact with an officer and you’re likely to get the impression of distance and suspicion. And they voraciously consume conservative media...
To the police is the only place we’re supposed to go when we need help.
What’s wrong with the capital “E”s on this site?
Modern conservatives consider facts to be “smears”. They oppose journalism because it sheds light upon their actions, and that angers the public.
Because there’s NO REASON to stop any dangerous, illegal behavior BEFORE someone does get hurt, eh? And even if you don’t give a rat’s about that, he certainly did rip up landscaping that did not belong to him.
It was never about creating a profitable event. It’s about using politics to divert public wealth to politically-connected individuals. COTA will declare bankruptcy and will change hands more than once in the next few years, each time getting public money that will benefit only the wealthy investors.
You GUYS are great at revisionism. You always have an excuse for why your cronyism and socialized capitalism is PERFECT. Ignore the facts, and cling to your gut feelings.
Yes, taxpayers are being forced, by the Republicans, to pay millions more to support a racetrack that only benefits a few.
Combine ‘em an’ you get “Bigoty, Bigoty, Bigoty, let’s go racist, boys!”
Fuck Brian France. This sets back NASCAR, big time.
Crossed flag on the roof?!