
That last one is key. I keep a PDF of every paper I’ve published, and have no problems sending it to anyone who asks.

I’m actually a bit surprised that Cameron didn’t mention any details about the music. One thing that the Soul Reaver games had in spades was atmosphere, and the music was a big part of why this was the case.

From what I’ve read, and having had one for about a year, I think the answer is pretty well, yes!

The Joy of Cooking should be a staple in every kitchen. Yes it’s old, but it spells out the basics clearly, and is a starting point that anyone can use.
Not everyone is going to be able to follow along with an advanced cookbook Susur Lee’s) basically requires the reader to have access to the most well stocked Asian

Crap, was there any hope of recovering it from the cloud save?

I was going to add this as well, but remember to only use hex weights, or at least something that’s not going to roll on you. If the plates are round, you can do a number on your wrist.

In Canada, when done with toast, is called a ‘toad in the hole’. It’s odd because that dish uses saussage in the UK if I remember correctly.

Being from this area, the main reason is to look for impared drivers along the major highways. The helicopters can see cars driving erratically and direct ground units to them. York region is quite large and heavily populated (for Canada at least).

...well I've lost all interest in this now. The lack of a single player narrative means I'll probably never touch it. Shame, as the concept and art style were interesting.

It might not be a short attention span. I've tried to play Half Life 1 and 2, but just can't enjoy them. The issue is with the use of the mute protagonist as an interactive medium for storytelling. It utterly ruins the suspension of disbelief in the secondary world of the game.

It's a non-starter for me as a narrative

...and you don't see a problem with that requiring 3+ weeks worth of mark grinding (as it's capped at 100 per week and the helmet alone is another 120)? Heck, if you want to talk about weapons, they're at least 8 days worth of work (as they're all 120 marks).

I did buy my current chestplate that way, but there's still

They really need to address the loot drop issue before they fix anything else. Right now the problem is that people aren't satisfied with the loot progression.

The first legendary I obtained was when I was level 24...and it was from the bloody Treasure Cave. Prior to that, none of the strikes, patrols, or daily events

Another one that at least tries to be accurate (at least for sci-fi) is David Weber's Honor Harrington series. Space combat is done at long range with missiles (to ridiculous levels in the later books). It wasn't uncommon for broadsides to take 15+ minutes to actually reach the opposing fleet. The missiles would

One of the greatest boons of the internet, the ability for anyone to broadcast their thoughts across the globe, is also its greatest detractor...as ANYONE can post their thoughts across the globe. There's no filter for facts in blog posts, nor any peer review process in "news" sites. It's even commonly known that you

Part of the problem is that we, as scientists, also tend to do an AWFUL job at communicating to the general public. Sites like Food Babe, Mother Jones, ect survive because they cater to the lay person, and are able to hit on emotional notes that are rather foreign to technical writing. As you know, when writing papers

Yeah, I pretty well gave up on the anti-GMO crowd almost a decade ago after giving some public lectures. They were so out of touch with the research and technologies surrounding them it was not worth my time. Fortunately, every year that goes by without their predicted GMOcalypse occurring makes their arguments seem

...as a scientist, that infographic is simply rage inducing. So much misinformation and half truths in such a small space.

Everyone, please take note that one element of toxicology is that it is ALWAYS dose dependent. In the case of the caramel coloring, the carrageenan, the preservatives, and the pesticide residues,

PC Name: 2014-1

Griefing is something that I just can't understand. To go into a game with the desire to spoil someone else's experience just strikes me as personally abhorrent, immature, and generally anti-social.

Really, why do this? What makes the griefer think that their enjoyment should come at the expense of the other players?

Is it a bit sad that my first thought is to install Windows on it so that it can actually play the majority of the games on Steam?

I really hope that Valve is able to leverage the SteamOS to get better Linux ports of games, as well as better driver support from AMD and Nvidia. Both have made some steps forward, but