
The high temp on the PS4 is only about 60C, this is well within the expected range when gaming. It's not uncommon for the GPU of a gaming rig to be >70C, and you're not really outside of the normal range until >90C...but I never like to run my systems quite that hot.

This is a space sim first. It's not like Rogue Squadron, or some other arcade-style space shooter. This was designed for use on a PC, and will probably make use of far more inputs than would be possible on a console (at least without some kind of peripheral).

The backers didn't put money towards a dumbed-down game. We

This generation, I had three 360s (20GB and 2 120 Elites) go bad and one PS3 (60GB launch). The first 360 went bad about 1.5 years after purchase, due to the RRoD. This was before MS was giving 3 year warranties, so I was SOL. Got an Elite when they came out and the DVD drive went bad after about 2 years (once again,

I've got one of these for my home theater (Monster HTS 1000), and it's great, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you get one at a deep discount. The list price is about $200, and even the normal Amazon price is $127, which are both nuts. I picked one up while I was an employee at BestBuy for $45, and that was a fair

Guelph, ON Canada reporting in:

It should just be noted that this only goes for Prime offered through Amazon.com. If you are in another region, Prime services differ. In Canada, the $79 Prime membership includes the free 2-day shipping...and that's it. No streaming services, greatly reduced content compared to the US site, but the same price.

In the

The issue is that, as in this case, many diseases are asymptomatic during the incubation period. Many food born infections and food poisonings fall into this group, and it is entirely possible for someone to board a plane feeling fine, and have the symptoms only appear in mid flight.

Staphylococcus aureus is one such

Endless space is a very good 4X strategy game, but it does have some issues. The combat is very simplified, and the ship design portion isn't as robust as some previous games. It did scratch the Master of Orion II itch, but it's still not quite a successor to it.

My only issue with FF XII was the Gambit system. Once you leveled up, you could just walk away from the game and have it play itself. I remember doing just that for one of the last hunt battles (Yizamat...or something like that). I saw the size of the monsters health gauge, and went out to dinner. I came back two

Forget the size of the TV, for me it's the sound system that makes a home theater setup worthwhile. You might be able to carry a tablet for viewing, but try fitting a 1200W 7.1 setup with you. Listening to shows using built in speakers or headphones just doesn't compare. In order to achieve your portability, you're

Good news! It's a stand alone product.

It's very simple. If the next XBox requires an online connection to play games, I won't buy it. Kinect integration, I could live with (depending on how it's implemented), but an always online requirement is a non-starter.

Well let's see, the search feature defaults to Apps, and doesn't index all programs. You know, the things that you're most likely to run on a desktop. In order to fix this, I had to use a third party program to restore the Win7 search.

There's a place for all kinds of games. Saying that gamers need to be given a particular type of media is a shortsighted statement since it ignores the desired of the consumer. As is the case for all forms of media, creators are free to design whatever content they desire, but they cannot force a consumer to react to

That's the reasoning that they gave. It all relates to the fee carriers pay to HBO for the service. HBO offering their shows through an additional venue would reduce their value to the carriers, and thus reduce overall revenue for the company. Right now, according to their research, the loss of revenue from the

Double post

HBO actually did comment on this last year after the Oatmeal comic. The simple fact is that they make more money from cable subscriptions than they would with digital downloads from an online only service. They did indicate that this might change in the future, but for now the fees they collect from the various

HBO actually did comment on this last year after the Oatmeal comic. The simple fact is that they make more money from cable subscriptions than they would with digital downloads from an online only service. They did indicate that this might change in the future, but for now the fees they collect from the various

No, it was integral to the experience back in Demons' Souls, where it represented a way to regain your physical form without defeating a boss or using a rare item (at least compared to the humanity system). Now it's just there as a destructive gameplay element, as opposed to an constructive one where the player would

Does no one else see that by making it a toggle, those who want to have the PvP experience still can, but those who don't want an obstructive experience can also experience the game online?