
There are plenty of applications outside of video that require large amounts of RAM, and some of them will bring even a purpose designed server to its knees.

One quick tip for those who want to make their own cooking spray so as to customize the oil used, as well as any additional ingredients, pick up some soy lecithin.

For myself, it really depends on what the end goal is.

Differing quality between locations is pretty common across most grocery chains, and it can be really striking at times, particularly among the lower end of the price spectrum.

That’s one stereotype that I’ve never actually seen anyone display...except the non-Canadians using it as a joke, and old SCTV reruns.

Of all the Canadian stereotypes they had to choose from, they went with this?

It’s the Leafs.

Also please note that the Huff Post article (quoted here) has a major error:

“Fonio is also high in the amino acids methionine and cysteine, both of which promote healthy hair, skin and nail growth but are not present in any other grain.”

For those of you who are allarmed by this, please remember a key element of toxicology is that the dose makes the poison, and in all of the cases here, the exposure level is orders of magnitude below what is needed to see any harm (chronic or acute effects).

There are multiple variants on this technique, but the author covers the critical points:

1. The outside of the glove should never come into contact with the inside

Complaining about the Canadian healthcare system is part of our national identity; right alongside the Double-Double, and the 8+ stages of winter.

I was just going to post something similar to this. The age of the aircraft isn’t the most important metric, the number of flight hours are, as are the overall number of flights (takeoff and landing cycles).

Unfortunately, Triscuits are off my list of products I’m willing to buy due to the company’s decision to their participation in the Non-GMO Project.

If you’re going to be picky about something, please don’t then go an make erroneous associations ;-). Mycelium are not roots, as fungi do not have roots of any sort, which are a specialized organ that appear in the members of the Plantae kingdom, with the notable exception of the Bryophytes.

Drat! When I first read the developer’s name, my mind processed it as “Rockstar”, not “Rocksteady”, and was immediately excited for a Bully sequel mashed together with the world of Harry Potter.

Biologist here (molecular biology mainly, with bioinformatic and genomics mixed in) and you are bang on.

For me, it’s not the fact that it’s offal that is the issue. It’s the biochemical makeup of the meat.

Sorry, but liver in any form is simply not going to be a part of my home outside of cat food.

Some important notes regarding CPR that everyone should be aware of.

1. Even if you are not certified/trained in CPR, and no one else on the scene is either, START PERFORMING CPR!

Interlace your palms about 2/3 of the way down the sternum (breastbone), lock your elbows straight, and using your body weight to help, push