
Sorry this is so late, but I didn't check the replies before. Tactical Dreadnaught armor (Terminator) was rare in pre-heresy days, but it did exist. According to the 40K lore, it dates back to the Dark Age of Technology, before the Emperor began his unification crusade.

That mechanic made more sense in Demons' Souls, where invading was a way to regain your physical body (without using a relatively rare item, SotEE). In Dark Souls, hummanity is so ubiquitous, the invasion mechanic doesn't fit nearly as well. The only reason why it's present is to allow for PvP, which should be

As domanz1 wrote, my suggestion was to make the destructive multiplayer optional, while maintaining the constructive aspects.

My advice, make PvP entirely optional. Enable to player to keep the cooperative elements of multiplayer with the hollow mechanic, but make it possible to block invasion if it isn't desired. This way, players who want to PvP will be able to duel with those of a like mindset, while those who just want to play the game

For those who don't know the reference:

It's a Deathguard (14th Legion) terminator.

Absolutely not. No multiplayer experience represents what I want out of a game because no game to date has had the narrative experience enriched through the addition of multiplayer. Every time someone says that co-op or PvP has improved a game, it has nothing to do with the story being presented getting better, since


If you're satisfied with the quality of downloads, that's fine. Until the infrastructure is good enough for high bitrate video and audio, the quality loss is just too much for me when a better version is on disk. The simple fact is that HD video and audio take up a huge amount of bandwidth, far more than can be

Tell me about it. I'm working on a de-novo genome assembly right now (plant genome). The FASTQ data alone is over 600GB (Illumina HiSeq and Roche 454), let alone the raw dumps from the machine. Getting the data up to pseudo-chromosome size is a nightmare. Since my background is on the biochemistry side, it's even

The $13,500 is just the cost to run the sample. The HiSeq 2500 can runs two flow cells in parallel, with 8 lanes per cell. Running one cell costs about $8,000-$15,000 just for the reagents required. The range is for the type of run being done (2X36bp, 2X100bp or 2X150bp), however this does not include the cost for the

Yes this study did include meat products. No additional nutritional benefits were found. The only significant difference was in the number of antibiotic resistant bacteria found, which was higher on the conventional meats.

You're a bit off with the idea of organic=peak ripeness. Harvesting times for produce are primarily a function of where the product is destined for. If you're dealing with fruit that's going to be shipped across the country (or internationally), then it will be picked early, regardless of it being conventional or

I'm still a Luddite in a big way. I've collected books my entire life, and I have a personal library of over 4000 novels. These books range in age from the 17th century through to modern times. Many are older than computers, and the information is still accessible whenever I desire. How many e-books will still be

Gaming PC, PS3, 360, Wii, PS2, Xbox. There's a SNES, PS1 and N64 in a closet somewhere.

I use a mike all the time...it just sits on my coffee table with the mute on while I play. It's far more efficient than muting every other player in the game. If I'm with friends, I'll actually put the mike on and deal with other people, but aside from this other players just detract from the secondary world that the

@Takatski: Actually ASA stands for acetylsalicylic acid (commonly known as Asparin).

Damn it! I've been waiting for Wish to show up on Rock Band, not F'ing Guitar Hero.

Still not showing up in either XBL or CN. Perhaps Canada's not on the update list yet.