
He is the only one dumb enough to make it all even worse. He is...

Flash Phillips?

That would make enough sense, but man, do I hope you’re wrong. The Infinity Gauntlet was my introduction to both Adam Warlock and Thanos (I only started reading it because it tied into The Incredible Hulk) and they didn’t explain much more than

This would make up for anything else that could possibly go wrong.

It worked. Here the fuck I am. Idiot.


The only beef I ever had with him was his weird-ass head gear, but that’s gone now, so he’s cool with me.

Depending on the amount of the fine, parking poorly may become the best way to get someone to clean up your wintery windshield while you’re off taking care of business.

Arrange is the window management app for me.

Well, it’s no suitsy.

I’ve been using Duet since it came out and it’s fantastic... until today. I finally got the approval to upgrade my work machine to Sierra and there are issues. Duet automatically turns off Mission Control, which I use all the time, because it causes crashes.

I’ve been using Duet since it came out and it’s fantastic... until today. I finally got the approval to upgrade my

SHIELD is still a thing? Damn, spoiler alert dude. Come on.

I don’t think it was suggested that the injury was fresh. Stephen tried lots of different places and things. I figure the Hammer guy was just now getting moved up whatever list to get to talk to Strange.

or a Vishanti-Style Tripel

Parkinson’s is a bitch.

Must he always be associated with Atlantis in some way? This is typecasting at it’s worst.


Old Bill, the one that Ford drinks with sometimes, I think he’s just in a state of having not been routinely maintained for a long time. I don’t think his facial stutters are necessarily indicative of robot standards of his time.

This might be what you’re looking for.