Endut! Hoch Hech!

Last night, I had a nightmare that Nintendo had made Super Mario Odyssey into a “map game” like Assassin’s Creed or Dragon Age: Inquisition. I had Mario chasing after markers on his radar, which led him to tedious micro-challenges. “I wanted an open-world Mario game,” I thought to myself, “but not like this!”

I wrapped up Samus Returns last night. I’d say it was a 7.5/10. If I could offer one bit of advice to someone playing it for the first time, you should only backtrack for items at two points: after getting the Super Missiles and after getting the Power Bombs. I never ran out of missiles (or even got close) after I had

There are technically several games I’m in the middle of playing, but THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: BREATH OF THE WILD has its hooks in me right now. I’ve poured quite a few hours into that one over the course of the last week, and it continues to be a breathtaking experience with new delights and discoveries around every

My week has mostly involved routine check-ups in Stardew Valley (Demetrius asks if he can set up an experiment in my cave one day, tells me to stay away from his daughter the next day, then asks if I can loan him a melon for an experiment the next day. Make up your mind, man, are we cool or are we not cool? Also, no

As much as Terra is the cover girl for the game, I think Celes can make the strongest claim to being the “main” character of the ensemble. She has the longest and most complete arc, and gets a segment exclusively to herself (and Cid) once the World of Ruin hits; Terra’s solo time is sparse, as Locke interjects into

Hey fellow Gameologerinos. I’m quite happy to be posting since the Kinja widget here initially seemed busted (and I’m typing on a phone). But I persevered, haha. I’ve got a long day of manual labor at a warehouse ahead of me - not exactly expected work as an archivist, but it’s part of the job’s excitement that you

I feel like the demo for Octopath is a lot of fun but once I’m sold on the game, I don’t want to play more until it’s done. I’ll be back then.

I would love to say FIRE EMBLEM... WARRIORS!, but I promised that was a Christmas gift and so my Special Edition with those soundtracks I crave will go into the closet with the rest of the sugar plum dreams, next to the SNES Classic. In a week Mario Odyssey will hit, I’ll just hum the song until then. Just a week left.

I’ve got a couple action-RPGs on the go: on the SNES Classic, I’m juggling Secret of Mana and Link to the Past. I keep encouraging my brother to join me in the former, but he’s not biting.

Just finished World 3 in Mario + Rabbids. The final boss in that world was much easier than the previous two; I got through in one try. Unfortunately, Rabbid Peach didn’t make it. Sometimes you just need a sacrificial lamb

This is one of those weird weeks where this weekend is more of a looking ahead to next weekend, or looking back on what I was playing last weekend. So let’s start with something random.


It’s nice to read a certain validation of my own flying anxieties, Clayton, although honestly, the only part of it scarier than the flying to me is the airports themselves, all stuffed with people and an endless stream of CNN-blasting TVs. I’m fairly certain I saw more of our regrettable president’s face than you’d

EmperorNortinI made me smile in the best way, the emotional equivalent of what makes blood orange such a delicious flavor. It’s true, it’s a little bitter, and it’s rich in the right way.

On the docket for this weekend:

Hello, all! I’ve been absent for a couple of months for various reasons, but I hope to get back to commenting regularly here.

Last week, I finally got around to purchasing a Nintendo Switch! It’s quite an elegant little device, and I love the flexibility it offers. To kick things off, I picked up The Legend of Zelda:

I’ve been getting back into Final Fantasy III on the SNES Mini, and really enjoying myself; partly it’s nostalgia (unlike Final Fantasy II, I never owned FFIII, so I get both the pleasure of replaying it and the thrill of rediscovering things I’d forgotten), and partly it’s just appreciating how something so

The Flame In The Flood looks so cool! I’ll be adding it to my (impossibly large and ever-expanding) Switch wish list.

I’m working through Cuphead, the last mission of Dishonored: The Brigmore Witches, Stardew Valley, and Total Warhammer 2. It’s hard to juggle them all at once, frankly, and my clan wants to raid in Destiny 2 tonight. So who knows exactly what I’ll be doing this weekend, especially since I’ve got some other things

I claimed my account yesterday. Only thing I want it for is the game section.