What Have You Finished This Week?
What Have You Finished This Week?
I could add that Miyamoto is very much not into the idea of remaking past Marios. I think I understand why: if you do a relatively faithful remake of 64 or Sunshine they probably wouldn’t hold up all that well compared to the more recent installments. Galaxy is when they really started throwing various ideas and…
The 3D Zelda team has explicitly expressed interest in making a new one designed for the Switch from the ground up (BotW being a Wii U game ported to the Switch during its last year of development), and the ‘spin-off side story’ scenario is what I’m personally hoping for.
I’m embarrassed to say that I’ve bought Shovel Knight three times. First I really wanted to play in on the go with my 3DS, then I really wanted to play it on my TV with my Wii U Pro Controller, then you can guess what happened next.
It really was a terrific ending: a really good fight, followed by (STOP READING IF YOU HAVEN’T DONE THIS YET) a totally-obvious-in-retrospect-but-still-wonderful post-fight escape sequence where you get to use the capture power on Bowser and go wrecking shit, and then some terrific cutscenes. Milady was proud of Peach…
Still playing Super Mario Odyssey whenever possible. I’m going back through the kingdoms following the main quest and picking up new moons. My general method is to basically hang out in each kingdom collecting as many moons as possible until I get bored or I’m ready to move on to the next one. I’ll come back for the…
On the Switch, it’s mostly been Super Mario Odyssey with a few jaunts back into Stardew Valley. On mobile, it’s been a whole lot of Fire Emblem Heroes and HQ Trivia.
Super Mario Odyssey. Obviously. I’m closing in on 400 moons (or maybe a bit past...?) and having a blast. Getting very close to whatever the next discovery is!
It’s funny. Nintendo went so overboard on the quantity of moons in this game, that the idea of trying to 100% it feels completely out of the question for me. When I come to a ridiculously hard challenge room that I can’t clear after a half-dozen attempts, I’m willing to just shrug and move on. Whereas in Super Mario…
This weekend I’m playing Super Mario Odyssey (unsurprisingly), Fire Emblem Warriors and Mario & Luigi: Super Star Saga. I finished Odyssey a couple nights ago, and I’m surprised that its ending is not a bigger part of the cultural conversation. Without spoilers, it’s worth noting that it was probably the game’s high…
I’ll probably be playing through the post-story content of Super Mario Odyssey. I plowed through the last half of the game on Tuesday, but still haven’t put it down. There’s just so much left to do. There’s only one minor complaint I have with it [next paragraph, not too spoilery, but still] Not sure I like that the…
Last weekend, I finished the main story portion of THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: BREATH OF THE WILD. Slightly underwhelming in contrast to the best Zelda conclusions, but it hardly takes away from what is - on the whole - an absolutely incredible experience. I still have about 35-40 more shrines to find, and I haven’t…
I’m in the leisurely postgame of Super Mario Odyssey right now, and I think I’m ready to play some other games as well. I’m near the end of Secret of Mana and I’ve been neglecting Vs VIII for far too long.
I knew of Devolver prior to last Summer’s E³, but wasn’t truly in my radar until their taped keynote parody. What a lovely company with such joie de vivre. If it weren’t the near antithesis of my playing style (or if it had some auto aim help) it might be a blast to play, pun not intended.
Skyrim: the fun involved is so mild I’m not sure I can justify the time it takes to play it...as a conjurer it’s basically a walking simulator. I forgot: I don’t care at all about the characters and story. In FO4 this is OK because the gameplay is front and centre. In Skyrim, every new location = endless dirge from…
Still Super Mario Odyssey, still amazing. What’s really been getting me lately is how many details are in this thing. Another online friend pointed out that the water in Bubblaine - which, unlike every single other kind of water in the game, has a natural carbonation - causes a light but noticeable fizz in the Joy-Con…