Endut! Hoch Hech!

Have been having a whole lot of fun with SteamWorld Dig 2, I feel like everyone needs to check this game out regardless of whether they ever played the original. It’s everything I wanted in a sequel to that Dig Dug-style take on the metroidvania (pseudo) genre: significantly longer, more substantial, more varied and

I’ve been enjoying this aspect of Mario + Rabbids as well. It moves at a pretty snappy pace, so even when a fight looks hopeless, I’m inclined to keep going, because every once in a while I can land a critical or a Rabbid will stupidly set himself on fire and I can at least have a laugh.

I’ve been making steady progress in Metroid: Samus Returns. It’s fun and challenging (sometimes punishingly so). I just got the high jump boots so I’m not too far into the adventure, but I’m having a good time.

This weekend I’ll be playing... The SNES Classic!! My wife and I waited in line at our local Target, where the employees very efficiently passed out tickets (and had a unit waiting at each cash register for ticket-holders upon opening; a model of efficiency!) and also gave us all hot chocolate ahead of the store

Yeah, Pokémon Picross took over a year for me to finish, and while it never took over my life, it was this incredibly consistent presence - the only time I didn’t play it were the two days I was in the hospital, and it felt so comfortable coming back to it.

Well, I got slightly into the 4th dungeon in Persona 5, and things are picking up. Everything seems much more interesting than the 3rd dungeon — setting, backstory, even the mechanics since I’ve unlocked a couple new tactical abilities from a social link. I’m getting re-energized to push forward!

However, I also

It’s funny that I’ve seen Matt show up on my 3DS friends list this week, seeing He’s playing Silver, and it never once occurred to me it’s not out yet, despite setting the pre order in the eShop! I also love Will’s description of Heat Signature, because a game that calls for desperate measures sounds kinda liberating

It’s been a couple of weeks since I posted. Ten days away from home working an event while simultaneously having friends visit me who traveled back with me for a trip to Battleship Island (cool name, cool place) and some hiking.

It’s the end of the busy month of the year at work, I’m exhausted! With my good boy bonus I got a new TV that’s all about clarity and colours, so I’m veging out, ingesting weeds and playing games with an emphasis on pretty colours.

My SNES Classic pre-order has shipped from Best Buy, but isn’t expected to arrive until Tuesday (boo!)


While I wonder aloud what game to which Gerardi is referring, I’m going to start this off by one bit of housecleaning: due to DL unfortunately being unavailable to do so in October, I’ll be taking over the next Mario Kart 8 on the Eighth. I’ll provide a screen capture and details for it on next week’s WAYPTW and

Hey all! Crazy work week as always— this time out, I got to translate 15,000 words of seminar materials on how to use advanced accounting tools to make your window and door-manufacturing business a success— so now I’m looking forward to squeezing in a bit of gaming in the days to come.

I started West of Loathing last night, and within the first 30 seconds, my character was somersaulting across the floor. I think I’m going to enjoy this game; it definitely has the ol’ KoL spirit.

I’ll be continuing along in Destiny 2. I’m mostly focusing on Adventures right now, but I need to finish the story and get into the strikes so that I can be ready for the raid. I’m not super stoked about raiding, honestly, but I will attempt to complete the raid at least once.

I’m probably going to pick up Samus Returns at some point down the line, especially since I gave the original Metroid II a pass way back when so it’s a completely new game for me.

I just picked up Samus Returns so I’ll probably be playing that as well this weekend.

I’ve queued up a night of high speed fun in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe for Monday, September 18th. Get on your bikes (only!) and ride at 9 Central/6 Pacific! The code to join is 5136-1758-3659.

The Fire Emblem Heroes gods are merciful. After a long summer of striking out with the Summer heroes, I was able to snag every

I will be plugging away at Destiny 2. I’m at light level 287 (the cap is 300) and am still having a blast. Crucible is fun in any mode that’s not Supremacy (kill someone, capture their crest to get credit, or grab the crest of a fallen comrade to deny points), but I’m still drawn to all of the PvE public events.

Bravely Default/Second are the games that finally brought me back to enjoying jRPGs, thanks to them keeping all the traditional trappings of the genre from back in the day when I loved to play them the most but adding a ton of QoL improvements to the concept of grinding and such in ways that were clever and actually