Endut! Hoch Hech!

After seeing the Animal Crossing level in Mario Kart 8 (& Deluxe), I'm super stoked to see the next iteration of the series on Switch.

Tumbleseed is so challenging that I can't even muster profanities for it. I wish the death-to-retry length was shorter. There are so many times I'll pause and hit restart just prior to an impeding death rather than go through the post-mortem statistics.

Tumbleseed IS hard. Like beyond frustrating hard. Like I'm-not-sure-I'm-having-fun hard. It will be interesting to watch the eventual speed-runs of the game. Rest assured, I will never be featured in one.

Surmounting the tower challenge is rewarding only in the sense of personal accomplishment. The in-game reward is a mediocre pittance, but afterwards you feel like you can take on anything.

Due to the generosity of a relative I've now dubbed Rich Uncle Skeleton, I'm now the proud owner of a Switch. This thing is sleek and slick. And I haven't even run it on a television yet. I'm in that weird phase of not needing a Switch since I already own the must-have titles on Wii-U (Mario Kart 8, Breath of the

I haven't even tried using amiibo yet. I'll get around to it soon. Possible SPOILERS for Breath of the Wild. I was also tickled by the all shrine completion reward outfit, classic. And I love the ingredients you need to find to upgrade it.

I hear you with Rito Village. It was my last area to explore and I wish it had been my first. The three other town/divine beast areas had such interesting obstacles/harsh environments that reaching the inhabited areas felt like a reward and a relief. Rito Village is just sort of there with a relatively unengaged

They really needed to shake it up with the Link amiibos. Oh look, another green garbed Link standing there. I bought the Smash Bros. and the 8-Bit Link and I'm content.

The size of Hyrule is bananas! Every time I think I'm going to "quickly" tackle an area, Breath of the Wild disabuses me of the notion. Case in point, I decided to explore the southern coast and I've been there the better part of the past 3 evenings.

If anything, this speaks for the need for sites/publications to evolve beyond number/grade based scoring.

No, I hear you. 35 myself. The online conversations are so all encompassing and in-the-moment that it really can feel like you are missing out if you blink. However, that's the nice thing about this site. Once you play Breath of the Wild (or any game, really), you will undoubtedly find lots of people excited to

Tough call. I'm a huge Nintendo fan, but I still bought a Wii-U version of BOTW instead of upgrading to the new system. I'd like to see more of the online/virtual console structure before dedicating.

So I've taken the following Breath of the Wild tips to heart: fast-travel less and, unless I'm traversing cross-continent, stay off the main paths. It's been great.

Being steeped in Zelda mythology only helps to flesh out the small details (i.e. map names/locations) and maybe some character tropes. The only requirements going in are a desire for exploration, discovery, and wonder.

I think a determining factor of canonizing Zelda: Breath of the Wild will be found in it's replay-ability. Say a year or so from now, will I want to pick it up and relive it again? At this point I'd say yes.

You should definitely use this evidence as grounds for investing in a Switch. It's taking a lot of willpower on my part not to.

Avatar/Comment synergy at maximum here.

Oh you know I'm playing Zelda Breath of the Wild. I don't really know if I can add to the accolades or (frankly deserving) hyperbole. So I guess I'll contribute a small experience.

The consumable weapon thing was jarring for me as well. But it taught me to experiment with stealth, use magnesis, and generally get into the fray more often. Now when I'm need of a one-handed sword, I scope out the nearest enemy encampment and see what mayhem I can cause with the environment and the tools at hand.

The map has to be one of my favorite parts of this game. I could pour over maps for hours and Breath of the Wild's is not exception. The topography lines, the call back's and easter egg names of Zelda lore is perfect. I cannot wait to fill it all in to look at every little detail.