Endut! Hoch Hech!

Great analogy. The guardians evoke that terror of a predator at the top of the food chain. The relentless drive of those low piano keys, when a guardian spots you, is reminiscent of the iconic Jaws cello score. Unnerving and panic inducing.

No, I had to go solid snake just to avoid a bunch to conquer a tower. Harrowing to say the least. I do, however, love how you can randomly encounter these types of bad guys (bosses?), get tossed around, and narrowly escape. It's going to make the comeuppance all the sweeter when I can finally topple one.

It can be a little tedious, but I enjoy that it ramps up the combat difficulty. It forces me to try different fighting techniques. Boy, I sure wish I had a sword right now, but instead I have to take this guy down with a giant boomerang. It keeps me from getting complacent while fighting.

Can we talk about how well towns are implemented in this game? They are remote, and serve as a welcome respite from the dangers of the wilds. The details make them looked lived in and as places of comfort. And the inhabitants have history and motivations. In short, the ones I've seen, are places I'd like to live.

Speaking of the passing of the Wii U, how do you think the Wii U Breath of the Wild release will compare to it's flashy Switch doppelganger? Nintendo seems to have adopted the attitude of Duffman's lip service to a designated driver (the Wii U release), but who here wants to PARTY!?!?!? (on the Switch)

It's reassuring to hear about the desolation/serenity balance. I've been worried the world looks too empty. The music, too, really seems to draw you in. This is going to be a long week.


Hey Matt, thanks for the console insight. What's the speaker sound output like in handheld mode? Is the headphone jack on the bottom? It'd be nice to have the system in kickstand mode while listening on headphones, but I understand that might not be possible.

Good call on the the pixel art style inviting the player to fill in the gaps with their imagination. It could be the age in which I got into video games but 2D speaks to me more than 3D. I find there is just something inherently isolating and boxed-in about 3D worlds.

Great timing AVClub. The spouse wanted to watch this last night on a whim. I'd forgotten how big a number "Be Our Guest" really is, but damned if it isn't a showstopper.

Two. Target only received two NES mini's this morning. Nintendo is proving a profound lack of foresight rivaled only by the American electorate.

Sure!…wait, I mean…crap.

Skyrim on the go!

I know, right? It's just fun to be wowed, now and then.

Um, put me down for the 'hell yes!' camp, please.

Currently reading The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood. It's definitely a slow burn of a novel, and there is an inception level of plots being juggled. I'm interested to see how she sticks the landing.

I approve this non sequitur.

Let's see, I've already purchased a lot these games on the original systems, AND the virtual consoles for the Wii, Wii U and 3DS. And my first reaction on hearing this announcement was WHERE DO I PREORDER!?!?! I wish I knew how to quit you, Nintendo…

The found footage parts of the book are the best parts.

Finished up Their Eyes Were Watching God over the weekend. I can see why it has reached classic literature status. Despite family, society, and a patriarchy making a lot of decisions for the protagonist (Janie) she showed a refreshing amount of agency. More importantly, she was a strong African American female