Endut! Hoch Hech!

No kidding about those face touching scenes. I talked with Kaden yesterday and his dialogue had an uncanny resemblance to Smithers', "Look sir it's me, Bobo! Hug me, squeeze me, tug at my fur…"

I'm right there with you in Birthright. Taking my time and letting everyone battle has resulted in no marriages yet and I'm at Chapter 21. Things will be different once I shift into Conquest. Only the best of the best will be fighting and people will probably be married by chapter 5.

Just scratching the surface of KOTOR II. I’m playing as Alinia Lautin and attempting to be sarcastic and neutral. Invariably, I will edge towards the Light side since my curiosity to hear about any character’s past means not rudely shutting them down. So far so good, but I’m noticing long-winded expository info

Erikson's been on my list. Now I just have to find the time to read 10 monster sized tomes…

Ugh, that Missoula book. The casual dismissal of victims and the general sweeping under the rug mentality of it all is aggravating. Especially the research and evidence presented by Lisak being dismissed and smeared because it doesn't fit with how people "should" react when raped.

Compared to American Gods, Anansi Boys read as more light-hearted fare of fish-out-of-water antics similar to Neverwhere or Stardust.

What a steal! I hope you enjoy.

I've never watched the show, but I really enjoyed my second read thru of the series before book 5 came out. Since I was familiar with the main plot I could focus on the side characters and the beguiling history of the previous generation of Ned and Robert's heyday.

Wow, no kidding. That is some Carol from the Walking Dead level prescience.

“In all literature, he was the first to employ successfully a wildly
outrageous premise in order to make a serious point. I love that. And
today the best of his stories are still better than the best of just
about every other writer around.” - Dahl

*Nynaeve tugs on her braid for the millionth time*

I finally, finally finished Nixonland last night. Fascinating stuff. The parallels between the '68 and '72 elections and this year's are uncanny. Although I was disappointed the book ended abruptly after Nixon's second win. It would have been great to read more about the chickens coming home to roost with

Having to contend with 6 potentially obtuse levels in Super Expert is sooo much nicer than the 16 in Expert. My patience has gone way up a result. Much like you I have a strict skip policy for any level that attempts insta-kill in the first 0.5 seconds. Give me some respect level designers!

Me too. I only just completed the first one last summer and the experience is still fresh, so it will make a great comparison playthrough.

It only took pissing away all of last Saturday and most of last night, but yes. Legends does a great job of balancing death with reasonable checkpoints and fast reloading. The ease of restarting makes sinking one hour into a single perfect level run way too easy, but it's encouraging and ultimately rewarding in that

Woah, woah, woah. I'm playing these games to escape this academia nonsense. I am looking forward to it, regardless. It's weird, I never see myself being anything other than good/neutral in these games. I can't be mean to people, even in a fictional world.

Just finished up Rayman: Legends. Excellent, challenging, beautiful game. And I'm still taking my sweet time with Fire Emblem: Birthright. I should be applying to jobs and finishing up my final projects this semester, but more than likely I probably tackle KOTOR II instead. Priorities, man.

I cannot imagine the pressure on Nintendo for the new Zelda game. The last 4 releases in the series have been remasters (or spin-offs in the case of A Link Between Worlds). Each one has come with a slew of reviews/think-pieces/reassessments/reminiscence about why they suck or have been the greatest eva! I hope

I've heard the Utilities DLC for Buy a House 2016 sucks. They really screw you over with that season pass mortgage and upkeep, too!

Her gushing made me place it on my Steam wishlist, but I'm waiting for it to go on a super sale before I take the plunge.