Endut! Hoch Hech!

…Fluka sheds a single tear…

I last played a couple weekends ago during a Splatfest. Match making was still quick and painless then. I understand the game sold like gangbusters in Japan so I'm confident you'll have people still invested in the multiplayer.

This helps. Thank you!

I'm itching to get a Vita for some portable old-school JRPG goodness. Playing Symphony of the Night on the go would be nice too. May I ask how much did you pay for it? Sell me on it, why do I need this system? Is there cross buy for PS3 games?

There are levels that require off-screen (i.e. touch-screen) to play, so you'll be looking down regardless. But don't miss out on the HD big screen visuals, they are gorgeous.

I'm playing Rayman: Legends, too. It's the first time around for me and I'm finding it an absolute delight. Also, it terms of graphics, it's an absolute stunner of a game.

Oh, Stardew Valley how I covet thee. Lousy Apple computer…

It's weird. I can understand the hesitance to lower Wii-U titles, what with the sluggish sales. But the delay with price drops for the 3DS? Nintendo is making a fortune with the handheld, it would be nice to have that extended to us a little more often.

Couldn't resist getting Rayman: Legends for $10 (still that cheap on the Nintendo store for those who haven't picked it up yet). The game is joyous. And I hope that Nintendo brings some third party enticement with the NX. Cause this game is proof that the two can work great together.

A little bird told me they were picked up for two additional 13 episode runs. I'm rooting for this show hard.

I haven't delved into any Rayman: Legends goodness. Nintendo currently has a tantalizing sale. Would you say it's worth a $10 purchase?

Why not Zoidberg?

The amiibo is especially egregious considering all them are repeats (with the exception of that Waddle-Dee).

The recent re-master of Twilight Princess had me thinking cynical thoughts. Is Nintendo dragging its feet with VC releases, so it can pull the HD Remake rabbit out of the hat when it needs to? Why release Super Mario Sunshine for $7 on VC when you can polish it up, slap an amiibo on it and sell it for $60?

I always respected Mega Man, but X is where I fell in love.

Fire Emblem for me. I can't justify $60 for Twilight Princess right now. Although I did see a super sale of Ubisoft games on the Nintendo Store. $10 for Rayman:Lengends = highly tempting.

I never played the 2008 version but I thinkPrince of Persia: Sands of Time has been my absolute favorite. Fun parkour elements, precocious yet not overly brooding protagonist and an enjoyable experience all around.

I was excited about the new Club Nintendo. Give me free stuff, I'm ever so loyal!

Paper Mario, too! I'm holding out hope it plays as well as it looks.

That and anytime he goes off-script.