Endut! Hoch Hech!

Darn it Colbert! This show can be so samey sometimes, but it's these flashes of originality that keep pulling me back in.

I'm going through Birthright as well and just having fun luxuriating in it all. For instance I finished Chapter 11 last night and it took me 2 (wonderful) hours. I'm on the same Normal/Classic difficulty and my goal through this run is to leave no character behind. Everyone gets play time and the relationships

Ugh, Luigi. That feeling of "JUST LAND ALREADY!" when trying to time jumps.

Kudos, Gameological for churning out all these reviews. Has February always been a glut of videogame releases?


Despite the water scarcity/price, the glut of breweries along the Front Range always surprised me.

I think the grandiose plots of these games only manage to succeed primarily due to the character interactions keeping it all (somewhat) grounded.

You have to admit that'd make a great tagline for the game or life in general: Fun, hard, AND you'll get married.

How many games are you rocking right now?

At that file size/price, it darn well better!

Me too, but I decided on getting both (Birthright w/ Conquest DLC) since I figured I want to see both stories. It also has benefit of the Birthright fundamentals preparing me for the Conquest test.

The stories are completely separate but Awakening might be the best place to introduce the mechanics of current Fire Emblem games. Birthright/Conquest don't revolutionize anything but you might miss the new tweaks they've made if you play the games in reverse chronological order.

So far the reviews and Nintendo haven't let me down, this game is fun. And it's one that works great in short bursts. I'm vowing to not play matchmaker and watch the relationships unfold as they will.

So, I just purchased Fire Emblem: Birthright with the Conquest DLC from Gamestop (I know, I know) and the receipt loudly proclaims that I "saved $1,019.99 today!" Only to be clarified later down the receipt that the savings is an error and to please disregard. Gamestop: Nice People, Silly Company.

It was a good week. Motivating, too. I'm more eager than ever to give the Zelda's I've missed a go. Top of that list; Hyrule Warriors and Spirit Tracks.

Well if FFIX requires 8 GB of space on devices these days, then it only seems rational that a Wii U game would need, like what, 1 TB?

Could that be why Nintendo has such a modest Virtual Console library? Cause they know we'll have no room to download the games?

I've heard that Helldivers is a blast to play with 4 player co-op. Only $20, too. I don't own a PS4 but that game has been on my radar if ever I were to upgrade.

I've noticed the lack of theme or narrative (if Mario games could ever really be said to have one) with the releases like 3D World and New Super Mario Bros. Wii & U. The creativity is there but in order to accommodate simultaneous multiplayer, the the worlds/levels somehow come across as both broad AND restrictive.

Gameological tries to account for keeping up in the conversation with What Are You Playing This Weekend? But I would love a 1 (or 3 or 6) months later review of games on some of these sites. It would help to distance from the hype and by then enough people would have played and have something to say about it.