Endut! Hoch Hech!

That Celes has it all. She's a general, can learn magic without an Esper, AND has an operatic singing voice. Expert fisherwoman, too.

It's been a while since I last tackled Prime 2, but I do remember the sheer size of the world and having to trudge from one end of the map to the other. I did enjoy the oppressive nature of the Dark Aether, however. These are harsh unforgiving environments Samus is exploring and I like how even the air is rejecting

This weekend I will be partaking in Nintendo’s latest eugenics simulator. Entitled Birthright no less.

Is this why Link is no longer allowed to speak in any Zelda game?

I couldn't agree more. Zelda is Solid Snake of the Hyrule Universe and Nintendo should be accommodating her with a stealth game, tout suite.

I distinctly remember the sound effects from Zelda II, too. Especially that engine revving noise when Link encountered an enemy on the map.

I've heard (but haven't played) that the 3DS version offers a more polished take on the game. That might be a good entry point for experiencing it.

I apparently jumped the gun with my comment from yesterday, but I'll reiterate for this article.

I haven't yet. The threat of repetitiveness (at $60) originally scared me off. However, the subsequent DLC and generally appreciative reviews have me reassessing. How much does the additional DLC put you back? Fire Emblem has my money this week, but it's not like there is much on the Wii-U's plate this year, so I

I did NOT know that, but this is precisely why I enjoy these gameological conversations.

I'd be on board for that. I could see Ganon storming the castle and having to out smart the Hyrule defenses and counter-measures.

Joking aside, that is a fair point. The series, after all, is called the Legend of Zelda. I would love to get a more Zelda perspective in these games. Heck, even more Ganondorf would really flesh out some story elements.

I think the fanfare around OoT is how it mostly stuck the landing in making the transition to 3D. Plus I distinctly remember how cinematic parts of the game were. I agree it's lacking that flair of originality, but where would we be today without Z-targeting?!

"Yarr…I hate the sea Hyrule and everything in it."

Seconded for Link to the Past. Any Zelda primer should inevitably start with this game.

Huzzah! My avatar has never been more relevant.

I'd love to learn how to make pixel art, but using a Mac limits my software options right now. I will definitely check out this Woz character.

My wife will humor me by occasionally playing co-op. She's not much of a game player but doesn't begrudge me dedicating so much time to them. So she's a keeper!

It's reassuring I'm not the only one who enjoys Destructoid's coverage but cringes at the comments.

Mother Brain stopped me dead in my tracks last night. Metroid games have that ability to quickly disabuse you of any notion of complacency.