Endut! Hoch Hech!

To be fair, an alcohol is about all I can handle these days. Anything more and it will impair my post-apocalyptic decision making.

I'm debating whether or not to thumb my nose at my ever persistent homework and dive right into The Last of Us. Reading this column only undermines my school resolve.

Urge to buy Undertale…..rising.

My 8-Bit Mario Amiibo should arrive today. Mustaches and red caps for everyone!!!

Will try these out tonight!

Slowly but surely, the wife and I are unlocking the 8-bit Mystery Mushroom characters in Super Mario Maker. Except that means having to play the 100-Mario Challenges. Good gravy are some those creations obtuse. Thank goodness for the Skip! option. My observations thus far:

Hobb does fantastic believable characterization. You really feel like you get to know the people and still not know everything about them. The only other author that I thought did just as good a job is Elizabeth Moon and her Deed of Paksenarrion trilogy.

Yeah, the art of Locke & Key (bright, with saturated colors) borders on too cartoony for the horror story being told.

Finished The Martian. Definitely a book made for the big screen, pure plot. Your mileage may vary on the smart-alecky main character, for me, he bordered on grating. I understand why the author wouldn't dwell too much on Watney's mental tribulations since the entire novel revolves around his gumption and will to

With how Nintendo has seamlessly rolled out new content for other big titles, they'd be stupid not to add new stuff. Like checkpoints, power-ups, or as you suggested SM2

My best is "a-MAZE-ing!!!" but that's due to it being my only level (sidenote: the Mrs. has her own stage under my account: Pow, Right In The Kisser that I got a kick out of). A small 2 screen by 2 screen stage, but the gimmick is that it's a maze. There appears to be numerous correct paths, but only one is true.

Hi, I'm Troy McClure. You might remember me from such instructional videos as "Trapped in Your Vehicle: The Arkham Knight Story" and "Toxify Your Comments Section Using the Sarkeesian Technique". Today I'll be taking you through the do's and do-not-do's of Super Mario Maker…

You can do it! Those Espers are counting on you.

That's where the benevolence of the Gamoelogical Society comes in handy. I'll check out some of your levels tonight.

Nice! You'll get your hands on one of them there 30th Anniversary Modern Color Mario Amiibos. A rarity since, at this point, it's only available in that bundle.

If you have old wii-remotes/nun-chucks, those will work with the Wii U. I'm told the Pro Controller is great, but have yet to use it myself. I've used the Gamepad for everything except Smash. I needed the gamecube converter for that one.

I think it's evolved from the same theory of umbrella v. anvil.

Happy Birthday! 34 on Sunday, here. I like the idea of 30 years after being introduced to the character, a new Mario game still has me captivated.

Good level design is hard. I've spent hours on one level and I don't think it's past the first two screen parameters yet.

I think if you get enough stars from players of your levels, the game will let you upload more.