Endut! Hoch Hech!

Yeah those lackluster auto-play courses/rube-goldbergs ones make finishing 16 levels much easier, but they're not terribly creative sometimes.

Off the top of my head, I think the Wii U comes with a standard 32 GB for all bundles/models nowadays. I haven't downloaded a lot to my system, but I believe you can have additional SD card storage if you fill up the hard-drive. I just think it comes down to what game you want packaged with it. Super Mario 3D World,

Curse this semester! The one week I wish I could be taking part in this community and my "life-long education" and "career" are deciding they're more important.

NNID: bookwormwatson
It might be a while before I have Mario Maker level I'm confident enough in posting.

Woo! Super Mario Maker! This will be the September 11th where I will serve my patriotic obligations by building joyful things.

My awkward work schedule limited my store options this morning. Amazon is now officially Plan B. Fortunately everyone was civil at Target, considering you could see that feverish glint in everyone's eyes.

Yeah, the battle system was clunky and frequently obstructed. The only reason I survived the hard battles was spamming the reflector move. Disappointed the last dungeon had no dungeon and was just a greatest hits of the game's bosses. The final boss was creative and interesting, though. Sometimes self-contained

Did you get that Mario Rubik's cube? Just remember to spin the middle side topwise. Topwise!

Super Mario Maker all the way. Just as soon as I finish some homework. Obligatory what-the-hell-Nintendo: only sending Target 4(!?!) 8-bit Mario amiibos, c'mon!

Mine is a cross-stitch pattern of the Link to the Past era Triforce and the characters associated with each trait. Ganon=Power, Zelda=Wisdom, and Link=Courage. It was my first major creative project and I finished it around the time I started posting here.

Despite a heavy workload this semester I’ve decided to tackle The Martian just in time to be able to casually dismiss the movie by saying the book was better. While I’m only about 50 pages in and enjoying it thus far, I hoping there is more to this book than the see-sawing of the plot (i.e.

I think that's what's great about Nintendo's recent new IP's (although how "new" Mario Maker is debatable.) Just like Splatoon earlier, the franchise has barely been released and somehow already achieved established/classic status. Just look at all the comments about what's going to make the Mario Maker sequel even

Fair enough. I'm just finding myself obsessed with centralized data repositories. Lousy, library science education.

Dear A.V. Club, is there any way you could post a follow up article to this game in a couple of weeks, specifically where we could place level codes in the comments section? I'd be thrilled to try some of the fellow commenters' levels and by then we'd have a better handle on how the game works.

I'm finding myself oddly drawn to Nintendo's strategy of drip feeding content with new releases. Much like Splatoon before it, I like the idea of becoming familiar with each piece before more are dumped into the mix. It's like coming into a slightly different game each week. Hopefully this game will follow the trend

I wouldn't mind it being the Wii U's end either. Nintendo learned the benefits of HD and that online capabilities aren't scary this generation. The concept of NX as a melded handheld/home console unit has me intrigued to no end. I just hope they can have a more robust Virtual Console presence with the new system.

My guess is that Nintendo is just stretching for time. That way they can claim a month for each core franchise. Mid-Sept. = Mario, Mid-Oct = Yoshi, Mid-Nov = Star Fox. 2016 is looking like it might reach California levels of drought where Nintendo game releases are concerned.

I just discovered the Metal Gear Solid Legacy Collection for PS3. Been thinking about running the series. I've only ever played Metal Gear Solid, would you say the time/effort has been rewarding?

They would be crazy not to. Despite how much is supposedly packed into the game I'm already hearing the grumbles of what's missing.

With grad school starting, my intensive game play is slowing to a trickle. I'll pass the time with comfort food gaming (i.e. ones I've completed before). First up is The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons. I haven't played it in…14 years!?! Yeesh. It follows the Link's Awakening aesthetic but tweaks it just