Less useful is sticking your head into the hot girl’s orifice and asking if there’s any Pokemon in there.
Less useful is sticking your head into the hot girl’s orifice and asking if there’s any Pokemon in there.
I thought this was headed for a Giuliani joke. +1
Dude you’re on a sports blog ostensibly commenting about pro sports, and yet you aren’t a pro player. I’m sort of shocked you don’t see this, but figure Poe’s law is in full effect.
Yeah in the crotch area BOOM ROASTED SHUT IT DOWN FOLKS
Are we at a tipping point where calling out hot takes is the new “hot take”? I feel like if not, we’re very close. We’re over-saturated with both hot takes and with those calling any take/comment/idea a hot take.
I’m guessing you had it taken in?
I haven’t seen someone this fucked over by TOS since Aaron Swartz
Based on this image I think construction of a shoulder, bicep, and elbow for his right arm would be a better start.
“Was it at a mirror?”
Yeah, it’s nuts.
haha whaaaaaaat?!
I mean I choose to believe that Trump really is sitting there, hunched over his phone, tears beginning to form in concert with a few shaky, breathless sighs. His sobbing begins. That type of sobbing where your body convulses and yet no air is moving in your lungs. The type of sobbing that feels so large and yet, to…
/Dan Snyder sees headline
No, the best part is that this was played in Idaho. There is a place called “Coeur d’Alene” in the potato capital of the USA. I kept looking on google maps, zooming out, thinking “surely I’ll see the Bahamas or Cayman Islands or something here soon...” Imagine my surprise when the word “Montana” came into focus.…
“Pint-Sized Destroyer” was the nickname for my dinger back in college. Now it’s apparently “Awww-How-Cute!”
Ass, crack, and sack, baby!
Dear Mr. Smith,
if you went with “how low of a bar messi set” that would have been killer
What does the Cosby trial have to do with the Copa America?