
Having a booth at PAX is expensive as fuck. The people at Penny Arcade realized that so called "special" interests have smaller outreach and therefore have a harder time being able to afford purchasing booth space. To rectify this, they are giving away booth space in the diversity lounge for FREE. That's why it's a

You've obviously never been to PAX nor know much of it. This is an "in your face" move. PAX, since the beginning, has had diversity, LGBTQ, and feminist related workshops. They are a significant part of the programming. The lounge is an additional feature that is organized in coordination with community and outreach

Okay. Wait. I has a confused. It doesn't sound to me as though they are segregating anything. It sounds like they are creating an information station where underserved populations within the gaming community (read—not cis-straight white dudes) can get info on panels/etc that are being presented throughout the weekend

But PAX already does have a anti-harassment (which all that falls under) policy, and will eject people for failing to comply with it. I remember reading that in PAXEast they kicked out some guys for harassing a group of cosplayers, and various other similar tales across various forms of the event.

Wait. How does a space that's specifically designed to be inclusive - with no evident restrictions on who can show up - qualify as a "segregated lounge"?

For some reason, the most amusing thing about this post to me is the fact that they made the door and windows out of Chinese characters.

Go the movie Thor route: Paradise Island is in another dimension, the Amazons having abandoned Earth and mankind long ago and taken with them many of the contemporary mythological creatures and figures with them, but now Diana ventures forth into our world because their realm is somehow threatened by actions we're

I think Wonder Woman will ave a good fit in this movie, and here's how:

Jezebel (aside from not being a monolith) doesn't generally object to stuff that's fundamentally meant to be sexy, especially when it's playful like this. The objection comes in when characters are sexualized in otherwise "serious"/professional settings or female characters are heavily sexualized and male characters

I think what you're pointing out is fair, but it's also fair to consider that all of their works speak for themselves, her's just happens to speak to explicit fascist sympathies which this community (which I am new to and can't speak for) seems to find distasteful, not necessarily evil.

There are different schools of Buddhism, but most don't feature anything like the Western concept of soul, which largely derives from ancient Greek worldview, not Christianity which later adopted it, anyway.

I think you're missing the point a little. Note that this is coming from a huge Trek fan, possibly TOS most of all. The sexism in TOS is not blatantly reflected in the behavior of the men in the series (although they are often objectified or regarded as emotional messes), but in the way that the gender as a whole is

Winter is Coming.

Man, I hate it when white people go around in greenface.

Saw it last night and I can agree this is definitely better than the first (no shaky cam) and definitely better than the book. Great addition to the franchise. I'm a bit leery about them wanting to make the third book into two movies but if they pull it off the same way I could be up for it.