

Sorry, sorry, obligatory pic post....

Did your dad survive prostate cancer? Mine didn't. Yesterday would have been his 78th birthday.

So Superman pretty much can't deal with the Joker? He kills him it becomes Injustice. He doesnt kill him and it becomes Kingdom Come.

So it's difficult to draw many conclusions about how early human women might have behaved 50,000 years ago based on how they behave today.


Dude, please. WW2 games been done to death. Done. To. Death.

Missed the best one.

Has this idiot never seen Emma? I mean, yeah, she's pretty with long hair and whatevs. But then all of a sudden

Stupidity left unchallenged has an unfortunate tendency to propagate.

Reminded me of this awesome moment:

Hopefully Kinja doesn't screw up the sizing of this and make it illegible. At any rate, just a recent example of why WW is badass.

I have always wanted someone with this level of muscle mass to play the role. We have seen Christian Bale and Henry Cavill get all jacked up for their roles but the female superheroes in film are always so thin.

Oh, believe me, as a huge WW fan, I've heard every permutation of this bullshit dreck about being 'tricky.' It's sexist drivel, through and through. I can (and have) written pages upon pages about how and why WW could and should carry her own movie.

Someone with MUSCLES. I'd love to see the actress bulk up.

Dear Literal Person:

It's just a shame that, unlike when I was growing up, it's now apparently only for boys. How could a brand that was so forward thinking actually go backwards in it's marketing?

*Good god, man, proof read.

I belive the comic book reason is that he doesnt trust his ring which to be fair is understandable because if you fly and it stops working you're screwed.