
I can't be the only person who watches the opening sequence, hears the strings, and thinks of Firefly.

So, what you are saying is they did as well as could be possibly done considering the 2 hour format and the fact that in a film you can't spend most of the time in the character's head (rather than just being incompetent in making it). To be honest, it sounds like most of the points that it misses could only be done

Ender fan for 15+ years here, read all the books (Ender, Bean, short stories). I saw the movie last night and I thought it was great, and I hope a discussion thread pops up on io9 today. But I generally am accepting of necessary changes to make books work as a movie and the changes to Ender's Game didn't lessen my

I saw it (I'm in England) last weekend.

Probably because the Valar intentionally depowered the Five Wizards before they sent them to Middle Earth. The last time the Valar tried to match strength with strength, the ensuing battle sunk the subcontinent of Beleriand into the sea. So this time, they send the Wizards in to inspire the people of Middle Earth to

Street Fighter: Instant Cleavage?

I always considered Babylon 5 optimistic. No, we don't magically change our natures, we make the same mistakes (over and over), we're still flawed—and we grow, and overcome, and triumph anyway.

"But why do they do this?! It's dumb!"
-People who won't watch the 15 minute video but ask a question it spends every minute addressing.

My point was about female knights in real armor and not chainmail bikinis, but besides that key point, the great thing about video games is they don't need to mimic the norms of historically sexist reality.

That would just shift the problem. We need a balance of both, not a rule and exception. (this is of course ignoring the historical fact, cause Fun > fact if you're not doing historical accurate story).

I will absolutely take that correction.

Better rewrite that bit. Bones calcine around 1000 C, and the bone ash itself will melt around 1670 C— almost exactly the melting point of titanium, 1668 C.

I absolutely get your point. But I have a little bit of sympathy with guys on this one, because here's the flip. My partnerbytherecordmachine (wow, that's unwieldy) used to foam at the mouth at the idea of my taking the easiest and most direct route from my then-apartment to his. Bad neighborhood, dangerous, etc. But

Every time I read an article about catcalls I think back to when I was about 13 and first started getting catcalls while walking down this busy street to the mall. I actually used to think it was this huge compliment that creepy adult men would objectify me like that, and I enjoyed it. I always use it as an example

I actually think this is a valuable discussion to have (maybe somewhere else though). The Bad Boy thing pisses me off no end. I can't count the number of times I've heard "Women love bad boys" or "Treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen" or some other variation on "Treat women like shit and they'll adore you". It's a

To the contrary, it would be a hilarious team up. I would watch 2 hours of this.

So many of us are with you, wishing that these ultra-religious asshole idiots would fuck off and die, and take with them the people who vote for them out of sheer ignorance. This is not how most Americans are, just some who are backwards in their thinking. Racism definitely plays a part in this too.

Warning#1: You will watch this and be even more pissed at the lack of a good live action Wonder Woman.

Then introduce legislation in the normal way and see if it passes. Holding the Government hostage for your bullshit beliefs should be illegal.