
Nope, it’s a real word.

Will there be new episodes of “History Matters”? I’ve been really enjoying “Tides of History”. Sometimes I have to pause it, since my mind starts running off making tangential connections.

Speaking of Science in politics, I created a petition for the creation of a national Science Laureate. We have a poet laureate. Why not a SCIENCE LAUREATE? You can read the details here: http://www.change.org/petitions/unit…

I've play tested a bit of Dnd Next (5th edition) and it's much more in line 3rd. They pulled a 180 after 4th ed.

What organizations that are fighting this are worth supporting? Because that was really upsetting to watch.

But...but why? Why is that a bad thing? They changed the explanation for her abilities, not her personality or ethics. So, why no like.

I think it would be great if Wonder Woman is the red herring threat that Supes and Bats team up to track down, only for both of them to blow her cover as she's tracking down the real threat of the film. Why didn't they talk it out like adults? Maybe because WW speaks a hybrid of ancient/kryptonian since Island of

Yup. I'm seeing it too. No idea why.

GL bombed because the script was horrible. I was soooooo disapointed. Once adult Hal showed up I stop caring. Hector Hamond had a more compelling story than Hal.

Fine then. Be reasonable while venting intelligently on a subject that's personally relevant to you. Ugh.

most men don't get it. More, obviously, should.

Somehow the puppets never bothered me. Once in a while I'd thinking about how they hid the puppeteer, but it never got in the way of the characters. Which, puppet or not, were delightfully oddball.

Spoilers below***

+1000 for Banks' Culture. Any time in the last few years when I've daydreamed a new space opera series, Banks' Culture novels are the primary influence. I might drop Trek, BSG, and Farscape in an elevator pitch, but they've been mutated by the Culture. I have to add Charles Stross as well with Glass House.

I caught it on Netflix. The description sounded a little cheesy, but was really good.

Some of us do dig short hair on a woman. It can be super hot sometimes. And people need to chill on the hate when giving feed back. It's not their fucking hair.

I think you got the actual allegory right. It's not about the 1%, like many thought. It's about the class division between nations, like say the USA and Mexico, and the boundaries enforced between them.

And while the rest of the movie was entertaining, nothing came close to that moment in the first ten minutes.

Surprisingly accurate.

I do believe you are correct, sir.