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Nothing Sony makes will ever top this one.

I always thought of Cyclops as "Mr. X-Men"

It's my feeling that the world has changed too much now for Trek to be a relevant as it was. It's a bit like trying to revive Flash Gordon or Captain Video now. Too much canon, too much camp. We need to surprise audiences with something new.

All I want from a new Star Trek is to have no more phony utopia bullshit. To think that we'd completely get over human nature in the next few hundred years is crazy, and also never works. Look, no racism! Except that every other episode is a thinly veiled racial analogy and most of the species are stupid stereotypes

I assume white male suburban cluelessness. Speaking from personal experience here, shyness and introversion have a tendency to isolate us nerds into safe worlds of our own making. Some nerds are very, very, very clubbish. Sad but true.

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For those who want a better understanding of D&D but do not want to sit through a movie I present this classic explaination:

"Guardian scribe" Alice Roberts seems a somewhat dismissive way to describe Professor Alice Roberts. She has degrees in medicine, and anatomy, a PhD in paleopathology, has worked as a medical doctor, lecturer in anatomy, and broadcaster, she now holds a chair as professor of public engagement in science at the

The other refreshing thing about this film is a competent and realistic female protagonist. Not another superdude.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but you can take your anti-government, "other people's money" bullshit and shove it up your ass.

Guys, listen to me very carefully. If I where in front of you, I would gently cradle that delecate head of yours and hold you close so that you can never loose eye contact with me and could read my lips in case any of these sounds I'm making go in one ear and out the other. Are you ready? Paying attention? okay,

When she said "no such trope", wasn't she referring specifically to the "damsel in distress" thing?

I think she's correct in that there's not really a tradition of "guy in distress" in fiction, where he has to be rescued by a woman.

That doesn't, however, mean that there aren't other stereotypes about men in fiction

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Nope, sorry. This is now and forever will be the song of Fall.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the George Lucas Moisture Farm.

Its true though, both are basically male fantasies.

Best. Thing. In. The. Movie.

"Women can ask you on dates. If you don't like it, don't act like it's some violation of nature."

Build another plane around an awesome cannon and we'll talk.

Don't go, A-10. Please, don't go. :(

People need to chill out. I know it is cool to dump on Paypal because they're a big company. But did you ever stop to think why they do stuff like this? No it is not because they like to swing around their toy ball to prove something. I mean huge amounts of money being randomly dumped into a bank account that never