
Also very important: Don't make rape/threat of rape an important plot point. This is a shortcut far too many writers - especially male writers - take instead of character development. "She's this way because of rape." That's lamesauce.

No, I just skwik out on ultrahigh embarrassment factor here. Embarrassment is a serious issue for me. When I was a kid in ancient days, I couldn't even watch sitcoms with embarrassing scenes and set ups because it just twinged too damn much in my head.

Seeing as I'm one of the "losers" in that photo, thanks for showing how much of a tool you are.

Now playing

That one time Max Landis gave us his version of the Death and Return of Superman.

Eat shit and diet?

i would watch a she-hulk law dramedy right now today, marvel, and so would you. get on it.

No, you want close friends, who have a kid, so you can be the cool aunt. That way, you can just give the kid back, when you don't want to deal with a kid anymore. :P

Also, please. Can we stop with the ally bashing?

No one here is exactly what they appear.

RIP Mako.

"Errrrr...Go Fuck Yourself!"

No it doesn't. Teaching it as dominant/recessive isn't a simplification — it's just wrong. If you visit McDonald's site you can see that there are plenty of examples of simple dominant/recessive traits that you can use to teach that idea.

Unseen Academicals is a sacred text in my house. I live by it. Need more worth!


There needs to be a dating site just based on your bookshelves. Could you imagine? "You and user Bookluver86 have a 92% compatibility rating because of your shared interests in: KURT VONNEGUT, NEIL GAIMAN, JULES VERNE. Message user?"

I just wanted to thank you for calling the school Cal State Hayward instead of the official but kind of lame California State University, East Bay.