
Atrocity Archive reference?

wait, event horizon WASN'T awesome? i think it's massively underrated. . .

I thought that was completely awesome. I have no idea what it meant, really, but any time a girl in a princess dress fights with a sword, I am pretty much on deck.

This comment from you makes me want to never come to Kotaku again. You're defending your site in a situation that you know is wrong and have discussed is a problem on your site. But if someone else points out that there's a problem, and it makes women leave your site and never come back, well, "you're not allowed to

This comes across as very defensive, though I can understand why. The OP expressed concern that it *might* attract unpleasant responses, and frankly that's a reasonable gut reaction. But they also felt that their post was important, and worth sharing - and I'm glad they did. You can share something important that you

"Why Female Soldiers Were Finally Added to Call of Duty's Multiplayer"

This point actually made sense to me. Kruger was the only apparent defense because he gives a certain plausible deniability. If a soft-hearted citizen of Elysium asks why defenseless shuttles from Earth are getting blown out of the sky, the government (read Delacourt) can say, "The missiles came from the surface.

Would you want to be compared to the perfection that was Nichelle Nichols?

This is why we still need unions. Yeah, we're not sending six-year-olds to work 16-hour shifts in coal mines anymore, but this shit is a clear representation of the power imbalance that unions helped mitigate for all of those years.

It's just American culture that promotes our slavish view toward those of a higher class than us. This view is the reason for our wealth inequality, tax system, poor vacation and maternity leave systems, and a host of other things. American culture promotes a slavish devotion to those in power.