
I HATE bad police work, or plots that move forward because of it. This is why The Dark Knight sucks except for Heath Ledger and why the end of Michael Bay's Bad Boys (as opposed to the good one with Esai Morales) blows goats. It is not why the rest of the movie also blows goats, just why the end does.

I go straight to "Pleasant Valley Sunday." Great lyrics.

Well, it's entirely possible that neither she nor Violet has health insurance, so those prenatal bills might be sapping her finances. My first child was conceived before Mrs. jed and I had insurance, and that bill was $1600 25 years ago. I can only imagine what such care costs out of pocket these days. Of course

Try Robin Williams's first comedy record.

Yep. Completely done with her after "Whatever, gadfly."

That's a fair, if untrue, supposition. What I know for a fact is that you still have given no evidence why Mom, not 2.5 Men, BBT or any other Lorre show, but Mom, is misogynist, outside the alcoholism that is part of the leads' personalities.
I guess Dharma and Greg is misogynist because that Jenna Elfman character

Simple. See, Lorre makes other types of shows which have misogynist tendencies and traits, so this one does, too. Marla has only seen one episode of this show, but the only women on it are alcoholics, so Lorre hates women, obviously. Teevee shows should only ever be about Strong! Independent! Womyn! because that's

A couple of things in this very good review bugged me, I'm afraid. And they are misstatements of fact, like TDVW isn't/wasn't really paying attention. Allison Janney's sight gag about her typing skills was the right index finger and the left RING finger. It's minor, of course, but really adds something to the gag. And

I'd add History of the World, Part I to your list of goodies, but certainly Spaceballs started the non-essential portion of his output. I was horrified to find out that many of my friends loved it when it came out. "If you thought that was awesome, how were we friends before?"

He just wants to keep Drew from getting extra money to buy players for the Sounders. Whatever LeBron and Becks have cooking in Florida, they know they need to keep the competition poor.

I used it as an example of what someone might say to open such a conversation without being confrontational. It's not an argument in itself.
I just wanted to contrast it with the second graf, to demonstrate that such a debate CAN be had, without shaming. Frankly, I don't care about the issue at all. Be as fat or thin

Whatevs. Keep your matchstick girls, and give me pre-Jenny Craig Sara Rue any damn day.

You stole that idea from Army.

Which is apropos of this inventory. Not so for my preferred offensive metaphor: best athlete at the Special Olympics.

I think it's okay if someone says, "Boy, it's a shame that we have such a high incidence of obesity in 'Merica. Many people would be happier and healthier if they could overcome whatever causes them to overeat."
But I suspect that what you more often say (which gets you accused of fat-shaming) is along the lines of, "I

So, it's a book about nothing?

Somehow, it's even funnier in Cookeese.

The muppet? Ted Nugent?

The most recent one was Jon Lord, and certainly Jon Anderson is the celebrity death I dread the most.
But if I bawled when her show went off the air, what's gonna happen to me when Carol Burnett dies?
John Fucking Cleese.
And there will be blubbering, wailing, ugly crying when Carroll Spinney dies. Ye gods, how will I be

Four categories??? I remember when Lego came in four colors: red, white, blue, and yellow. Plus black, if you count the removable tires that went on wheels, which only came in red with axles that fit into white 2x4's only.