
I do blame the NBC execs, especially for the Conan debacle. They wanted to make the cheapest possible show for the 10/9c slot five days a week and rake in the cash without paying production costs. The disastrous ratings of Leno in that time slot led to a disastrous lead-in to the local news, which led to more of the

I don't mind a bit that Leno does jokes about Obama. That's a comedian's job, especially the The Tonight Show's host. Leno and Letterman and all the rest work hard at those timely jokes.
Where Leno starts to suck is that he's still doing Bill Clinton jokes. four administrations afterward. That is just fucking lazy and

That's Jay's motto, too!

I'll see your Father Goose and raise you an Operation Petticoat.

The face she made when he said, "Only because you yelled it." So good, so sweetly, embarrassingly sad.

But even Hitchcock's single known trait was part of the character-driven comedy on this one when Boyle spilled a wonderful winter salsa on his shirt. "Here, take mine. I was gonna take it off anyway."

Could not agree more. This is easily the best ep of the series so far. Character-based humor is the greatest form, surpassing jokey-jokes by a mile and just edging out physical comedy. Gracie Allen, Jackie Gleason, and especially Jack Benny proved this many decades ago.

Branagh didn't even direct The Dark World.

Opie Taylor, Richie Cunningham, AND the Narrator.
Which reminds of the great Don Knotts.

You can get a pretty good ROI if you go through the Italian Bravissimo Exchange.

Another favorite scene (lines approximated):
TONY: Hey, Alex, why do you think we always get old apples in the vending machine? Why can't we get fresh apples?
ALEX: Well they put the new apples in at the top, and by the time they get to the bottom and out of the machine, they're old apples.
TONY: So if we buy a lot of

There was a time before every cabbie in NYC was a recent immigrant. Archie fucking Bunker drove a cab.

This. It was just a split-second flash of the haggard face of Iggy that we had been acclimated to, then back to the stuffy, crimson-cardiganned James instantly. Brilliant physical comedy.

This is the one time I ever thought Alex had it objectively, unforgivably wrong. Delawarians is much better. I have the same problem with my hometown. I think Dentonians is correct, but many people say Dentonites.

Whenever you turn around, all you're gonna see is Tang, in your face.

This is the show that ended the McGinley curse. It may have started again at Sports Night, but his last episode is my favorite of that series.

Chuck went to college. It was that kid on some soap opera that didn't come down for 27 years.

Most used line from the series:

From the pilot:"I'm the only cab driver in here who's a cab driver."

Lily Tomlin nailed this one 35 years ago.