
I still shudder when I remember that the Texas GOP has a ban on "teaching critical thinking skills" in their official planks.

Jehova promised to rid the world of evil. Odin promised to rid the world of frost giants. Who was more effective in keeping his promise?

When were the events in Orwell's book supposed to have taken place? I'm talking Animal Farm here of course.

The actual Prometheus myth, about the man who stole fire from the gods and brought it to people for their use, is pretty straightforward. Mary Shelley wrote some book that adapted it to modern science.

Ariel Winter has her first leading role in Soleil Moon Frye II: The Punky Brewstering.

There was an episode of Happy Days where Fonzie actually jumped a shark—AND IT WAS THE BEST ONE!

She did make Nate tip her 40% on a bill that included an $800 bottle of wine. That's no Denny's she works at.

What do you have against Murray Abraham?

He is.
You are.


I still watch the highlights on Youtube occasionally.

I pretty much came here to say "700 words about this episode, and not one mention of how fucking funny it was??
To quote Charlie:  I MEAN, WHAT THE FUCK?!
— "You were paying me for that whole conversation." "I know."
— Don giving Eliot the business during his segment.
— "I really like your hair!" Then: "What happened to

I remember the Song of the Humpback Whales floppy from NatGeo.
MAD Magazine put out a famous song on floppy vinyl called "It's a Gas." I still have the floppy of MAD's a "It's a Super Spectacular Day," with four different endings. Multi-groove was multa-groovy!

Haverchuk's the king!