
That is one of the big differences between Us and Them, Dik: they don't have the intellectual honesty to criticize their own for the bad things they do. It's also what keeps them in disciplined lockstep, and why we "lose so goddamn always."


My fave is also Caribbean: Barritt's GB. Somehow the pale white color makes it seem authentic in the bottle, and it's spicier than most others, which is my preference.

That is so underrated it makes me want to cry. ioculor latine!

Thirded. It's where I recommend anyone get started, unless they're under 13 and then it's the juvies Have Spacesuit Will Travel and Between Planets.

Heinlein would have NOTHING to do with traditional monogamy, and marriage vows were a contract to him, not sacred affirmations. Have you read his stuff?

Dungeons and Dragons for those who are good at neither fantasy, nor football.

There's already a critical mass of center/left voters to completely counter the Tea Party cancervatives. The problem is getting them to vote. The radical right trounces the progressives in off-year election turnout.

He'd have made a fine Scott Carpenter or Deke Slayton.

Now you're playing with fire. Don't kick the hornet's nest!


He's a madman! With an evil mind!

Tim Tim Benzedrine!
Hash! Boo! Valvoline!
First second neutral Park!
Hie thee hence, you leafy Narc!

Other than Heath Ledger's excellence, I've always hated it. I can't stand any movie, let alone a superhero movie, which advances its plot with bad police work. TDK is twice guilty on that count.

^^^ is the correct answer.

So, your Ferrari's up on blocks?

So, is it okay to yell "Fire!" in a crowded U.S. Treasury Mint?

I think he broke his fuckin' neck.

I think I broke his fuckin' neck!