
It’s not a lockpick. It can send and receive rf signals, that’s basically it. you can use it to duplicate rf keys and there’s some potential for using one to brute force insecure systems, but it is about as dangerous to security infrastructure as a hairpin is to a traditional lock. The main difference here is that

you can’t actually use a flipper zero as a car key unless you have a very expensive tool that is used by dealers and locksmiths to make the keys in the first place. There is literally zero way to replicate a rolling key on your flipper zero even if you install firmware which enables you to capture rolling codes

because you mean “stop being trans and act like you were born with a penis” not “lets treat this condition from the DSM-5 using the standard treatment plan laid out in the DSM-5, such as hormone replacement therapy and social transition”. False equivalency is toxic, and you’re trying to use it to discriminate against

It’s a raspberry pi in a fun orange jacket. I made one of these to do some bluetooth snooping with an arduino years ago because I needed developer tools. Nothing about the flipper is new or unique or special, it just looks like a tamagatchi. It’s not even the most accessible, there are other products that are waaay

There are systems that are supposed to automatically divert a plane away from a collision. I suspect the big issue is that these are collisions happening around runways, where planes don’t have the maneuvering capability they have at altitude.

Best Vice President a psychotic gang leader could ask for!

Is lord of the rings actually good? The movie was boring, I couldn’t make it past the frying pan in the hobbit, and turns out giant eagle Deus Ex Machina’d them to the finish line where frodo gets carried by sam anyways. It doesn’t sound good.

I thought it was weird when you could buy empty boxes for digital games, but at least you own those and they can put a download code in them. This is just bizarre.

Everyone over here is asking chat gpt for things and expecting that chat gpt is “smart” and “knows things”. Chat gpt is just a machine for shitting out stories that match up to stories it’s been fed, like it could probably pump out messiah hero stories to keep hollywood happy for decades. The problem is that

In the same way Mac introduced us to personal computing and iPhone introduced us to mobile computing, Vision Pro will introduce us to spatial computing

Rockets failing to reach orbit is kind of the process for making rockets, so that doesn’t pan out. They launch the things with the expectation that it’s going to be a total loss during testing, but you could talk about his insistence that “autopilot” isn’t confusing when it has definitely lead to many people letting

The idea that globes are being pushed and aren’t just a cheesy representation of the planet is so unhinged. Shes’s head of the GOP (in georgia, thats like being a freshtoilet baby in NYC in terms of education and understanding of how the world works), who the fuck is running the conspiracy if its not the government

This is the wild thing to me, these business decisions are clearly designed to maximize short term profits at the expense of everything else, including long term viability for the company. Same goes for warner bothers for killing the batgirl movie after it was finished because the loss was more beneficial in the short

It would be a terrible idea to settle, because it makes dominion look complicit in the kind of voter manipulation fox news employed by accusing them of manipulating the ballot. If dominion settles I won’t trust them again.

Valve’s touchpads are so critical for everything that’s not a game, I can’t really see how people justify buying handhelds without them.

there’s a cryptocoin that gives you money based on proof of wireless internet coverage, think crowdfunding a mobile network like verizon by paying people crypto to maintain wifi hotspots. It could easily be for that, but I’d expect some way to relay that signal to somewhere more local, I doubt an antenna on a hill

That same app is FREE for pc.

More importantly their primary reason is medicine. You never know who’s life is going to be saved because the pharmacy was able to do an emergency refill of an important medication.

He’s “worth” 204 billion, but that’s basically a bullshit number consisting of the theoretical value he’d get if he someone managed to sell off everything he owns tomorrow. He’s leveraged $44 billion of his worth to buy twitter, those are loans he has to service or he starts losing shit. spending 1/4 of his net worth

I don’t know, if I venmo the wrong person I’m shit out of luck. Apparently “no takesies backsies” only applies when it’s a small amount, but most things are finalized when they’re finalized. She didn’t steal the money, they gave it to her.