
This clown does this on every post about last jedi. He just screams calling people “illiterate” and literally never makes an actual argument against the critiques. He’s a sad sad little man.

Q: What did the ocean say to the sailboat?

What exactly is the physical mechanism of this tainting?

I’m surprised the NRA even knows Parks & Rec, I guess there are no decent Duck Dynasty memes.

You are absolutely insane.

Good evening, and welcome to Galveston.


you're a sick, nasty little man brian. i will find a way to return...it is this persistence that took me to the top of the corporate ladder. had i stopped whenever i encountered a little adversity...where would i be brian? where would you be?

Hi Kerry, this was fun but I'm banning you now. You're welcome to continue your saga on your own personal Kinja.

the night provided cover for us, as we backpacked through thick jungle. the wet air, hot and heavy with a musty pungency flooded our lungs. we huffed and wheezed with exhaustion behind our guide - chopping away a path ahead of us with a black machete. i was in the middle of the pack, largely unburdened- not counting

Going off on a tangent, I have never given a truthful answer to the question "Where do you see yourself in 5 years", and one of the reasons for that is honesty isn't always appreciated.

DRM-free files are for everybody, even if they don't know the difference. To me, that's like saying, "Liberty isn't for everyone. They won't even know what to do with all that freedom!"

If you're looking for a "Why", you're probably in the wrong place. When it comes to installing betas and trying new software, Lifehacker tends to have more of a "Why not?" approach.

I was being serious but I am slowly clapping at your response! Kudos.

I hereby declare on this the 10th day of October 2013 the year of our lord Vader, that this planet GD 61 shall hence forth be known by the name Alderaan

I couldn't agree more about xaml and gui along with code. It's so much easier to build a gui with a visual interface. I just love how simple and flexible and intuitive xaml is (if you have html/xml/css experience).

Personally, I think that if you are going to write a program with a gui, (or a web page. whatever) then a visual editor for the ide is critical. Personally I find it a whole lot easier to design things fluidly, instead of sitting down with a pen and paper and working out the design specifics, then having to debug

LMAO!! I did to for a split second, thinking it would simply make you feel awesome driving a nice sports car or something you'd like to feel good. +1!!