
Found a typo:

You say that now, but it’s really hard to sit in the oval office all day and drink diet coke, when all you want to be doing is golfing and molesting women.

I have never understood this myself. I think the idea is that they’re so anti-fascist that they’re anti-fascist or something.

Not at all, just that it’s a vastly different location. I happen to be from the area, so it was like “maybe I’ll make a trip out to colorado or montana or Rocky hill.... I could do that this weekend.”

That list is pretty funny. “Middle of the desert”, “Middle of the desert”, “Middle of the plains”, “Conveniently located off the most used corridor of i-95, halfway between Boston and New York City”, “Middle of the desert”....

Why on earth would you server something that is so stinky on a flight that you need to spray down the entire plane? that’s just poor planning, even if the food is delicious.

you say that, but how many people use cortana for the voice of cortana from halo? I would totally use it if it was better/more tightly integrated in my life, but its not a reason to switch to something.

I usually panic when I’m in a waffle house, I think a nice reassuring button to press would help with the existential crisis.  

On the plus side, it sounds like the police are getting less insane about these sorts of things. I understand why the sleeping student was annoyed, but the campus police have a duty to at least do due diligence and the entire mess was just an issue with the student database. They didn’t even make the family pack up

Can we talk about how annoying it is that g-sync monitors are like several hundred dollars more than free-sync monitors? it’s driving me up the wall.

His front fender is useless, it’s not even attached to anything, it’s just a free floating bar. That thing would have crumpled like paper on the first impact and he would have ended up with an engine in his lap.

I had a friend in high school who got great grades, had a nice scholarship somewhere, and had no idea that you couldn’t put diesel into a gasoline tank. He filled with diesel because it was cheaper (even though he apparently had to work to get the nozzle in) and his car immediately started shuddering as he drove away.

Wake and bake

Yes, and in context of “don’t do this to babies”, mentioning that it goes badly sometimes for not babies is important. “People with fully developed musculoskeletal systems get hurt doing this sometimes” is a fair assessment of chiropractics, pointing out that it’s not a risk free activity is worthwhile when, again,

Look, we tried that once, but other than the fun of watching people get turned into pillars of salt it didn’t actually change anything.

The vaccinations comes into play because a lot of people who really buy into the benefits of chiropractics are also the sort who don’t trust western medicine or whatever.

Okay, you don’t seem to read past the headlines so here goes: Chiropractic manipulations on babies is a thoroughly bad idea, because they’re babies and they have teeny tiny necks that are easily broken. Don’t work on babies and no one should take a baby to a chiropractor.

really, I’m just looking to avoid needing to store things in a bib. There’s got to be a solution to this that doesn’t require dressing like a hillbilly or a traveler’s belt.

“Sorry mom, I can’t eat salad because the CDC said it would kill me”

More good would be done just by forming girl-inclusive guilds/clans/etc. This service isn’t going to change the community, it’s going to set the community against them, especially if you start losing a match because some new player screaming about bully hunting starts demolishing your team.