Tommáso della Servo

Given that the poster you replied to specifically stated completely unfettered access to every firearm ever conceived, I expect your assertion that the 2nd amendment as clearly defined should lead me to a reading of the amendment that echoes that completely unfettered access, yet it does not. So point me to the

“Widely known” doesn’t mean “everybody knows.” And I’m under 50. Castigating those who have broader exposure and retention because you don’t isn’t exactly becoming.

I was joking. As in, back in the day, “the girl from that video” was a bit of a cliche. Plus it’s pretty widely known who the famous Whitesnake and Springsteen video girls are.

Wait a second.. is that the dude who bankrolled the America³ Americas Cup racing team back in the 90s? He has that same smarmy look as that old guy did.

Frank and Beans!

The Whitesnake video.... or maybe that Springsteen one.

Well, acolytes aren’t exactly known for their free-thinking, progressive open-mindedness.

Dos Vedanya! Konnichiwa! Ommmm.

Its dependent on the accuracy of GPS that day. I had days where it would miss by 20+ feet, but most days itd adjust well in advance, to the tune of a couple of hundred feet.

It has. Tesla has a similar feature for air suspension equipped cars. As stated elsewhere, I’m not sure if they were the first to do this type of thing, though.

Tesla. Tesla has GPS-based suspension lift for the air suspension models that effectively does the same thing. I don’t know if they pioneered it but it is useful.

Hey Goo, whats new?

Google Indonesia apparently sent along some baby presents, such as a jumper emblazoned with “Google.”

Or worse, outright discontinues the kid.

I could set it to music by now.

Mouser Soze.

I’m usually in a similar camp, hoping for fair criticism rather than a skewering, but just because one reviewer skewers doesn’t mean they need to be skewered in return or that no one will find value or entertainment in it.

Yes, it feels like this commenter has chosen this particular n of 1 to hang his or her review of the reviewer upon, despite suggesting he or she has read others.

Im all-in on Gene Rayburn. His rapport with the lushes on Match Game PM was just awesome. I didn’t get half of their inside jokes but wanted to be all of their best friends and I was only like 6.