Tommáso della Servo

It does take things to a Tommy Lee & Pamela xxx tape level of “I love you baby! I love you too!” nausea.

Unlike the gerbil. 

I still remember the tv updates on the court trial in Ojai or wherever it was, where hundreds, if not a thousand or more, people were gathered outside the court building holding signs in support of him, not against him. He was sainted after he died, yes, and reasonable people figured things out easily enough while he

I think it would have less to do with the fact that it’s a box set and more to do with the fact that one could watch the first seven seasons at less than $13 per season - which is pretty cheap - assuming they are unable or unwilling to spring for a sub to HBO.

I think it would have less to do with the fact that it’s a box set and more to do with the fact that one could watch

Straws can help avoid staining your teeth.

Straws can help avoid staining your teeth.

Just drink out of the cup directly and then you don’t have to mess with the hassle of transporting and maintaining permanent straws.

Just drink out of the cup directly and then you don’t have to mess with the hassle of transporting and maintaining

Like the tide pod challenge.

I do this even on the Arcade1Up version of the game.

Maybe you should learn what words mean before you use them.

Clearly that video is a pre-viz.  It makes Nymeria look like a chump, too.

The study tested only women. That’s not the same as eliminating any effect on men.  And while a 12-pack per day certainly did put Tippi in a league of his own with consumption, “greater than two cans per day” is more relevant info than that it was exactly 12 cans per day.   Having an effect on one gender of a species

Hey Snowflake

Hitler/Bigfoot (let’s call it for short)

I’m sensing a theme today.

Too upscale. I do hear they have the best pea soup, though.

Well, it’s right there in his name.

“No, we cannot. We show Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill Vol 1 only, and nothing else! Nein!”

Cinnamon Babka as well. “Cinnamon takes a back seat to no babka!”

Done. I’d been lagging on picking this one up.  Thanks for the tip!

Done. I’d been lagging on picking this one up.  Thanks for the tip!